Chapter 43

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I stretch my arms over my head as I wake. My hand hits the empty bed and my brows furrow. I open my eyes and look around the room. Rosa's gone.

I clamor out of the soft sheets and grab my boxers from the ground. I walk over to the closet but she's not in there. I head to the bathroom, the door slightly ajar.

Inside, Rosa is on her knees hunched over the toilet. She looks up at me when I enter and my heart clenches. She's thrown on my shirt from yesterday probably in an attempt to maintain modesty. Her remaining makeup from last night is smudged around her eyes and her hair is a tangled mess in her one hand.

I rush over and pull her hair back myself. She heaves into the toilet and I rub her back gently.

"I'm so sorry," I say softly.

She wipes her mouth with a piece of toilet paper before replying, "it's okay. Just morning sickness."

"Amore mio," I kiss the top of her head, "how can I help? Tell me what you need."

"I'm fine," she insists.

She sits back and I release her. Shit. Maybe a high speed boat wasn't my best idea.

"Go lay down," I instruct, "I'll get a bath ready, okay?"

"Only if you join," she mutters as she stands.

I rise to my feet with her and wrap my arm around her waist. I bring her back to the bedroom and into bed. I pull the blanket up over her and kiss her forehead. I move quickly, filling up a glass with water and grabbing makeup wipes.

"Here," I offer her the glass, "drink slowly."

"I know how to drink water," she mumbles, taking it from my hand.

I return to the bathroom and start the hot water. I dig around under the sink pulling out different oils and soaps. Bubbles begin to form in the water as I pour the sweet scented liquid into the tub. I dip my hand in to test the temperature as it gets closer to being full before turning off the water.

When I return to the bedroom, Rosa is wiping her eyes with the makeup remover. Her eyes meet mine and I can't help but smile. Of course she was gorgeous yesterday with her hair and makeup done all nice. But like this, with her hair a mess and her face naked, she's fucking perfect.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" she questions, pushing herself into a seated position.

"What?" I scoff, "I'm not allowed to admire my wife?"

"I look like shit," she counters.

"You look gorgeous," I retort.

She narrows her eyes even as she grins. I rip the blanket back and scoop her into my arms bridal style. She squeals in surprise and I chuckle lightly. I place her down on the bathroom counter and begin to unbutton her shirt.

"I'm kind of killing the mood, huh?" Rosa says with a dry laugh.

"Not at all," I shake my head, "nothing is better than pampering my wife."

"You're so cheesy," she rolls her eyes.

"Like burrata," I reply with a smile.

Rosa hops off the counter and slips off her panties. She turns and strides towards the bathtub. My brows lift and I tilt my head as I watch her walk away. Her hips sway with every step and I can't look away. She lifts her long leg to get into the tub and my cock twitches.

"Are you getting in?" she asks, leaning back into the bubbles.

I nod frantically and all but rip my boxers off. I cross the room and climb into the warm water with her. I open my arms wide and she shuffles over to sit between my legs. Her back presses against my chest and I wrap my arms around her.

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