Chapter 8

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"Are you scared?" Rosa asks as the car pulls into the circular driveway.

"Of what?" I ask her with furrowed brows.

"We're about to see the real Luca for the first time in a long time," she says, shaking her head, "you know as well as I do that that can get ugly."

I nod in agreement. The kind of anger I'm expecting when we see him is the reason people are afraid of him. Before Victoria, he would go on killing sprees; taking down everyone that crossed his path. He was brutal and vicious, and made a habit of torturing people to death. I have a feeling that's the side of Luca we're about to get. He's been damned lucky that he hasn't gotten caught yet. If he was that reckless when his parents died, I can only imagine what kind of hellfire is about to rain down on the cartel.

They should know by now; you never mess with a DiSilva.

"It'll be okay," I assure her as the driver opens the door.

"Liar," Rosa mutters as she climbs out of the car. I follow closely behind her and grab her wrist. She turns to face me with furrowed brows.

"It'll all work out," I tell her. She gazes up at me for a moment before nodding. I release her and she starts for the front doors.

Antonio climbs out of another SUV and hesitantly follows me inside. Everyone is completely silent as we walk into the compound. Rosa takes my hand in hers and interlaces our fingers as we ascend the staircase. When I swing open the door to the office my brows furrow.

Luca is already here, sitting behind the desk. Both hands are braced against the wood and his head lifts as we enter. It's been a long time since I've seen him like this.

He's visibly shaking, as if his body is a mere cage for the rage he holds within. He's breathing heavy, bordering on hyperventilating, and his jaw is clenched. Antonio is only a few paces behind me and comes to a full stop once he sees his brother.

"What are-" Antonio can't even get a full sentence out.

"Shut the fuck up," Luca grits out, "because of you, because of your recklessness and disregard for the rules, my daughter was just shot at. I took care of everything. I set this entire family up for success and you fucked us over."


"I told you to shut the fuck up," he shouts, "you're so fucking lucky that you're my brother because I swear to god Antonio, I could kill you right now. You're done. No more second chances. I really don't want to fucking do this and Victoria is going to kill me but someone needs to clean up your goddamned mess."

"Luciano," Rosa speaks up. His gaze snaps to her and she continues, "we'll do it. We'll get married."

Luca's eyes flick to mine and I nod, "as soon as we can book the church."

"Good," he says simply before asking, "who the fuck put my child in harms way?"

"The Sinaloa's," Antonio replies.

"Get out," Luca barks and I jump at his voice. I haven't seen him this angry in almost two decades.

"Fratello," Antonio tries, taking a step closer.

Luca pulls his gun and aims at his brother. I wrap my arm around Rosa's waist and move her further away from them.

"Get out of this office or I swear," Luca seethes out, pausing to shake his head, "I swear I will disown you as a member of this family and put a bullet in your skull."

Antonio's eyes widen and Rosa shifts closer to me. Antonio is an idiot and an asshole but Luca has never threatened him. Not like this.

He slowly retreats from the room with his hands raised in front of him. Only once the door is shut does Luca put the gun on the desk and sits down. His jaw ticks as he gestures to the chairs in front of him and I take my rightful seat.

"There is to be no mercy shown," he says carefully, "I want them dead. All of them. From their grandmothers to fucking newborns. Dead."

We don't kill kids. It's one of the very few hard lines that we don't cross. Even when the Russians murdered almost his entire family, we still didn't kill the kids.

I open my mouth to protest but he raises his hand and continues, "they shot at my child so we will shoot at theirs. I'll lead the team down by the border and you take over here."

"We have to get married first," I remind him, gesturing to the woman next to me.

"This is war," Luca counters, shaking his head, "that can wait. Right now, our men need a strong leader and that's you. Change the locks on this door and do not let Antonio do a goddamned thing except training the recruits."

I nod slowly, gauging his anger, "I understand."

"I don't," Rosa scoffs and I inhale sharply, "you're not supposed to get involved, you promised that to your wife."

"She's not around right now," Luca counters.

"That makes it worse," Rosa retorts, "what's she going to think when she gets out of the hospital and you're in some border town in Texas?"

"She's going to know that I'm doing this to keep our family safe," he says firmly, "none of this is up for debate. The second we are done with the Sinaloa's, the two of you are getting married."

I glance at Rosa and she has her arms crossed, brows furrowed at she glares at her cousin. She looks at me and her features soften slightly.

"I'm going to protect this family," I tell him, "I'm ready to take over."

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