100 Donuts In A Minute

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Chapter eight: "100 Donuts In A Minute"

If I am ever in a situation where I have to choose to either I accept Cloud's offer or accept the fact that I can't achieve the honor goal is distressing, but it seems like the world hates me so  much because during our last period we have to at least have a passing score of 60 over a 120 question exam in all subjects this coming exam season.

Nick didn't even look fazed about the announcement even though he is new here, after classes I spoke to Nick "You look confident"

He grinned at me.
"Nope not really because I don't have confidence in my skills, to be honest, I am nervous like I am supposed to eat 100 donuts in a minute to save my life" his comparison is weird but It is quite amusing to hear.

"Nick don't be too humble or else she might have her grades drop even more" Cloud patted his shoulder and before stepping out of the classroom he gave me a wink.

"What do you mean too humble?"
I was left confused as I asked myself because Nick gave me a sheepish grin then ran out to catch up with Cloud.

Yara walked up to me and showed me what she searched on her phone
Holy crap
He has his own wiki page on the internet

Nickolas Matthews

Son of two well respect scholars (Sandra and Matt Matthews) in the scientific and English literature community.
Author of many popular science and literature books
(Scientific books)
• Theories of our hidden world
• History for idiots 101
(Literature stories)
• Lovely Death
• Thunder Sorrow

I look up to Yara with a bewildered face, she sighs while slowly shaking her head at me "If you haven't caught on, he's gonna ace the test"

I was done from the start, looking at all of my test scores I have never even passed even at least half of what the test contains so if I fail every exam I have to do a retake and my chances of getting an Honors is going to be harder.

I might go berserk because of the situation I'm in, I left and Yara just let me be because she felt pity and I just want me to be alone right now.

I slowly walked out of school while I stare at my foot kicking a small pebble forward, I saw two white converse shoes in front of me and I look up to see Cloud with a smile on his face.
"Your answer?"

I was silent I didn't let out a word and I try to understand my situation
If I accept his offer I can achieve my goal and the constant teasing of me being dumb will stop but at what cost? I have to sleep beside him but my guilt of knowing that Jane likes Cloud makes my guilt even worse

Everything depends on my decision but I need more time.
"I need more time" I answered him

"But I thought you would still say no?" He asked but I know he is making fun of me.
"I have my reasons"
"Suit yourself" he shrugged and walked away waving bye to me.

I fiddled with the strap of my bag as I watch his back go farther and farther away from me
I need more time


We were preparing dinner and I was helping Mom make the lasagna


She didn't looked at me because she was chopping onions for the other food we were making, she instead answered me "hm?"
"Am I dumb like to the point I can't achieve honors kind of dumb?" I asked quietly to avoid others hearing our conversation.

"Sweetie you're not dumb it's just.." She went silent and was thinking hard not to at least lower my self-esteem.

"It's fine Mom, you don't have to answer" I smiled at her and walked away to prepare the table along with Brie and Wendy, something inside me yearned for her to say that I might have at least potential but she went silent.

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