Can You Do That Again?

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Chapter eighteen: "Can You Do That Again?"

It was the next day and today was a Sunday, there was nothing planned right now so I squealed in delight on my pillow as I buried my face in it. The sun has just risen behind the distant mountain and both the house and the neighborhood are quiet today

Aunt Laborè went out early too so I was given the opportunity to relax more, I rolled on the bed from left to right. I put on my headphones and played music on this relaxing morning, I closed my eyes and I was spread out on my bed like a starfish

I felt a presence in my room but I shrugged it off as anyone of my sisters, this is a typical morning that I love every weekend. The sun is shining outside and everybody is quiet as heck, it is the morning silence that I love

I felt my headphones being removed from my head, my eyes were closed so I was freaked out when I saw the person in front of me that was sitting beside my bed and in my room
"What the f*ck Cloud, how the hell did you get in here!?" I groaned

He was looking down at me with a wicked grin on his face, he was too handsome for his own good. He put on my headphones and was listening to the music I was listening to

He played with his mouth like he was trying to decipher the words that I know will be insults coming out of it, he leaned too close to my face because I was still lying down on my bed

He removed the headphones from his head
"Luckily you have at least some kind of taste in music" then he puts the headphones back on my head, I turned off my headphones and my phone to talk to him properly

"So how did you get into my room? There is like a gate, the front door and my bedroom door that you have to go through and I doubt anyone of my family will answer the door because the house is too quiet today" I sat in a crossed-legged seating position, Cloud was walking around my room and was exploring every corner of it

He opened my closet and he shrugged it off
"Your window was easy to get into because it was beside a large tree" he isn't lying though, the tree beside our house was the tallest in the neighborhood

"Can't you just go out and do whatever you are doing and leave me in peace? This is a quiet Sunday morning that I want to enjoy alone" I crossed my arms at him, I can feel the cool breeze from outside come into my room

I closed my eyes as I enjoyed it hit my face, I smiled slightly at that feeling. I dreamt that I will live in the countryside maybe beside a mountain or a beachside, that sounds so good right now

I let out a small breath as I open my eyes, Cloud walked up and sat in front of me never removing his eyes on me like it was glued
"Can you do that again?" He asked me

"What do what again?" I tilted my head a bit as I was confused about what Cloud is referring to, he pinched both of my cheeks like trying to make me smile

"Smile, smile again I want to see it, You look weird" he told me and I smacked his forehead, it was supposed to be a nice way but he even managed to make it an insult

I continued smacking him with a pillow
"Can't you just say anything nice to me for once? You really have a talent in insulting me"
He was covering himself with his muscular arms as I kept trying to find an open spot to hit him with my pillow, he was chuckling like it was that funny

I was too distracted from whacking him with my pillow that after I was tired of whacking him I noticed that I was on top of him which made me push him off the bed, he gave me a smirk as he sat up from my circular light pink rug

"Why? I was enjoying it" he teased me and I held up a fist in front of his face like a threat but he didn't seem to be too threatened by it, I went to my luggage to check if everything I need is there so I can just come back again to get the small portion of my clothes that I left

I felt his strong presence and body heat behind me, he bended his body until his head was near to my shoulder
"You look ready, maybe we should prepare your side of the corner in my place" he told me near my ear

I turned my head to glance at him but that was my biggest mistake because once I turned my head we were inches closer, I stepped back quickly as an automatic reaction. I then realized what he said
"Did you just say that I will have my own corner in your place?" I asked

He nodded with a tight smile on his face, his wavy short chocolate brown hair was bouncing a bit as he nods. There is a part in me that celebrated that I can have my own corner, I bit my bottom lip a little in secret
"We can go there right now" he carried my suitcase out to my door

"Hey wait a minute!" I tried to stop him but he still continued going out to my bedroom door, I managed to catch up to him putting my luggage at the back of his car. No matter how much I try he still wouldn't listen
This is the other part I hate about him, he always wanted to do things his way without thinking about my opinion

He closed the trunk and looked at me innocently, I gritted my teeth
"Cloud you can't do things the way you want without my permission"

"But in the end you still have the same outcome so either way we should do it earlier" he leaned forward to me with a smirk, he was right though. I was only delaying everything, I gave him my defeated look
"Fine" I muttered under my breath

"Good girl" he smiled and carried me bridal style
"HEY!" I was trying to break free from being carried by him but I am put in the passenger seat, he got in the driver's seat quickly and locked the doors

He started the car and was now driving to his place
"Cloud you should've at least let me change my clothes"

He looked down at my nightgown, his green eyes turned dark as he stopped the car instantly. He took something from the backseat and gave it to me
"Yeah, I should have let you" he mumbled

"You are not going out wearing that do you?" He asked me with a quizzical look with a low voice so serious
Why the hell am I stuttering!?

I was surprised at myself to even stutter like that, he was too serious that it frightened me a bit. I look down at my hand that held the piece of cloth that Cloud gave to me, it was a brown coat that I think looks expensive because the material and design was very nice
Of course, it will be expensive you idiot, he is a son of a rich guy

He stopped in front of an apartment building and parked the car at the underground parking lot, I put the coat around me to cover my purple velvet silk nightgown that reached my thighs and I step out of the car. The coat covered me quite well because I saw Cloud look at me wearing the coat with a nod of approval before opening the trunk where he stored my luggage

 The coat covered me quite well because I saw Cloud look at me wearing the coat with a nod of approval before opening the trunk where he stored my luggage

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