Childhood Friend

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Chapter ten: "Childhood Friend"

I accepted his offer but I must have at least a say in all this, so when I was about to say something to Cloud someone pulled my arm

She gave me a grin and pulled me away from Cloud, his face has pure satisfaction from me accepting his offer and I might be under his thumb right now. Alice pulled me outside the book fair and put an arm around me
"Alice where are you taking me?" I asked her

"Remember the guy that I told you about 3 months ago?" She told me, 3 months ago Alice met this new guy in Vancouver over the summer and she wanted to introduce him to me because she thinks we might be the perfect match. She has the habit of doing matchmaker

The meeting place is not that far from the book fair because it was the Music Lounge that is well known in the area for having the best musicians
"But what about the others?" I asked her as I went into the lounge, she winked at me

"Don't worry I'll take care of it, so just sit here" she put me in a booth and wave goodbye to me as she walk out of the entrance door. I was feeling a bit awkward for being the only person at a table since the lounge is a place where you either go on a date or hang out with friends in

I heard the MC introducing someone but I didn't hear the name of the next musician playing because I was too distracted to look for the person that Alice tried to matchmake me with, I suddenly heard an alluring guitar melody on the stage

As I look up at the musician who was seriously amazing at playing the instrument, his face was more alluring than the song he was playing. He caught every attention of the ladies inside the lounge and they all swooned at him

I enjoyed the music, I closed my eyes and hum quietly to the music as I tap my finger on the table. The song finally ended and the guy is still not here, I got tired and bored quickly so I messaged Alice that I was going to leave but before I could press send I heard someone sitting across from me

I raised my head and I was greeted by the face that the ladies swooned for minutes ago, he smiled and greeted me with a "Hello"

I smile a little at him "Hi"
I look around the lounge trying to find a way to try and talk to him because I never got used to me meeting new people even if Alice tried to matchmake me with every guy she meets on her summer travels

He was gazing at my face like he was waiting for me to say something next, I tug a strand of hair behind my ear and gave out my hand for him to shake
"My name is Penelope, what's your name?"

He shook my hand and his mouth formed into a grin "It's Aiden"
I thought for a moment
"That sounds familiar, it's like I heard it before or maybe I just mixed you up with other Aidens" I joked to ease up the awkward tension that I'm feeling between me and Aiden

"Yeah, we met before actually" He answered as he leaned back to his seat, I raised my brow at him. Before I could ask he asked me "do you want a drink?"

I shake my head "sorry I don't drink, just order something sweet for me" and he gave me a thumbs up then he walk up to order

I felt like I was being watched and I turn my head around and there is a group of very familiar people, I pulled out my phone and Message them in the group chat
Sleepy: what the heck are you guys doing here?

Happy: Duh I already told you that you will be fine because we will be watching over you

Doc: If he tries to do anything shady we will run and help you

I look at them and they gave me reassuring looks except for Cloud who has his arms crossed and is gazing at me with his piercing green eyes, he has a poker face on so it is very hard to read his expression right now. I felt something was put in front of me and it was a small bowl of Vanilla ice cream with small pieces of strawberry on top and some on the side, the guy got the same thing

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