So Bored

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Chapter sixty-two: "So Bored"

The next day we woke up early for his departure to go to Barcelona, last night we checked everything he needed for his time alone there. I even snuck in a neck pillow inside of his bag so he could sleep easily

We argued a bit if he will take the hotdog pillow or the neck pillow but he refuses either of them, news flash he still has the t-shirt that he took from me. Me and Cloud were brought to the airport by one of his family's drivers

As we strolled into the airport I asked him "Make sure to shut the curtains every time you fall asleep at night"

He stopped and I stopped beside him then he gave me a funny look "Angel I already know that stuff" I sighed and put a hand on his shoulder

"I have to at least remind you because you often forget about taking care of yourself when you do photoshoots and studying"

He gave me a salute before putting on the hoodie that he wore with a leather jacket on top "See you soon in three days Angel" he stood in front of me like he is waiting for something

I raised a brow at him "What?"

"Where's my peck on the cheek for good luck?" He pretended to be sad as he mocked me about our relationship

"Don't even think about it, just get on the plane and I'll make you some Chili when you come back home" I told him and made my hand like a 'shoo' gesture, his lips made a small smile and his eyes give warmth which is really unusual for me to see today

"Geez, some girlfriend you are" he complained

"I'm not even your real girlfriend you dumbass" I mumbled to myself with my arms crossed

We heard the announcer about the flight that Cloud will be in "Well I better get going" he grabbed my wrist to pull me to him and kissed my forehead before running off to the entrance and waving goodbye to me "Bye Angel!"

What. The. Hell. Was. That?!
My hand went to touch my forehead, I rubbed it off "Yuck"
But his forehead kiss was sweet though, wait, What am I thinking

I continued to rub my forehead more because of that before going back to the car where the driver is waiting, he looked shocked when he saw me "Ma'am what happened to you?!"

My hand reached for my body bag to pull out a compact mirror to see my forehead is now all red from all the hard rubbing I did, I quickly close the mirror and acted that having a red forehead is natural
I should put toothpaste in his chili


The penthouse was eerily quiet without Cloud's annoying voice echoing throughout the hallways, I checked my phone to see that he is still on that Airplane and he won't land in Barcelona for another 4 more hours

Nick did try to call me but he was accidentally needed by the publishing house for his book in the last-minute meeting, I know Nikki will be busy with her marathon competition. In the end, I called up Jane so I could visit her home for today

I waited for her to answer her phone and when someone finally did pick up my call it was Will that was at the other end of the call "Hey Sleepy"

"Hey Doc, I might visit your home to be with Jane and I hope you get ready for my visit"

There is a reason why I call them first before visiting, the first time I visited their home it looked like there was a  war that is happening. Their parents often fight a lot and it's not great to see your close friend's sad faces because of it

Jane and Will are inseparable, that is the first word that comes into my mind when I mention them

Jane is that introverted person who often doesn't like to speak much but contains more emotions than any person I know while her brother is the total opposite, Will is always full of energy and is very sociable to everyone in school basically everybody knows Will

I don't want to force my way into their home so I asked or told them first about my visit so they could get ready

Their parents love them but they both have different partners in their lives, they just stayed together for their children's sake

Truth to be told they both have fallen out of love and it is quite heartbreaking to see a family fall apart because of it

Will chuckled "Of course, Jane is still with Mom buying groceries so you might wait for her at home"

"That is no problem to me, I am just bored right now" I rested my chin on top of my knuckled as my elbow was on the table beside the couch

I heard video game music in the background playing loudly "Wait, are you playing with Raymond right now?" I asked him as I munch on the peanuts that are in the small bowl while changing position on the couch, now I am laying on my back at the couch with my phone close to my ear

"Yeah, his girlfriend dumped him and he needed someone to be with him right now" he sighed

Raymond is Will's teammate and his elementary days ride or die, I heard some stories from Jane about how Will and Raymond would do many pranks and tell absurd stories to adults who are easily fooled by them. If they get in trouble they would pretend to be innocent and hide all pieces of evidence later on
No wonder Will and Cloud get so along well

I grabbed the coat that is hanging at the coat rack and went out of the penthouse to visit them. It was cold today and many people outside are all bundled up in their warmest and fashionable clothes they have

Walking from the penthouse to Will and Jane's home was quite a long walk that did my legs a lot of exercise, well I don't get to walk much anymore since Cloud always drives me to and from school but I have to exercise my body or else I might go back to my old habits again

Their home never ceases to amaze me, it is always right next to this small forest and the house is popped out because of its pastel yellow-colored walls with white designs. The flower garden would stop any person who walks by to admire the flowers that were blooming marvelously under the sunlight

Having a Mom as a florist and a Dad as a Landscape Architect would make their home an ideal living space for a family because of how everything is designed, if I could rate their home it would be 20/10

The white picket fence that surrounds their home reached my waist and to keep out dogs that wander through their neighborhood since their Dad is afraid of dogs due to trauma from childhood, I don't know the specific details though but I know it is connected to getting a Laffy taffy from a neighbor

Their Dad, Mr. Howard Wallace is busy digging in the front yard while the Mom, Mrs. Kelly Wallace is cleaning the front porch stairs with water that comes out from a long green hose to clean off the mud at the stairs

"Hi Mr. And Mrs. Wallace!" I greeted them loudly in a chirpy voice which Startled Kelly, she turned to me with wide surprised eyes, and a hand laid on her chest  "Oh My Goodness, Penelope don't scare me like that"

I gave her a sheepish grin "So who you looking for kiddo?" Howard asked me as he removed the gardening gloves and put them on the wooden outdoor table

"I'm here to be with Jane, I'm so bored today"

Author's Note:
Hey Guys! My exam just ended today so I am going to continue updating. Thank you so much for patiently waiting for me

Love you all ♡

Love you all ♡

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