He Was Right

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Chapter thirty-six: "He Was Right"

"Was that your friends that I heard in the background?" I asked as I sat beside a window, there was a building. In my view unlike the view at the terrace where it was breathtaking, this one is not so much

"Those are the musicians I am going to be collaborating with after my first debut" he answered, a smile crept on my face

"I hope you don't get stage fright again like back in miss Alexa's talent show" I teased him with a memory

There was a talent show being held in my preschool and Aiden wanted to join, I, of course, supported him so he practiced like crazy every day for the show. When it was the day of the show and he stepped on the stage his legs were trembling and he was getting cold sweat, he ran out of the auditorium and cried under a maple tree

He laughed softly "Pip if I did get stage fright right now, I wouldn't be in this great contract for my music career"
He's got a point

"Also...I heard you were living together with Cloud" he added and I wanted to tell him about the situation but I didn't tell him in the end

"Yeah, it's complicated to explain" I told him but he gave me a confused look

"Pip, Cloud told me everything"

"W-what did he say?" My palms were starting to sweat, Cloud will do things his way without telling me

"He said that you guys are dating but in honesty, I don't believe him for a bit, so what's really going on?" He sat at a swing that was outside

"I can't explain this to you in full detail since Cloud is outside" I whispered the part where Cloud is outside because the dude got ears like a wolf, Aiden was looking at his left side like he was searching for something

"So I was wondering if you would like to go to watch a hockey game with me?"

"But we have to buy tickets and you know how long the lines are" I answered, winter was the best part back in my childhood days since we always play ice hockey on a frozen lake near Danny's home, we always wanted to watch a real-life hockey game that we always see on TV

Aiden pulled out two tickets and my eyes were very wide in shock and surprise "no way they're.."

"VIP seats in an ice hockey game this week" he finished my sentence and I covered my excited squeal with my mouth

He grinned widely at my reaction "and I got a whole day planned out"

"So when is this game?" I asked quietly on the phone

"It's on Thursday so after school, we'll meet at the back gates," he told me and I nodded, we talked some more on the phone about his life in Korea and his journey to reaching his dream career

We ended the call after it took us one hour, I peeked outside of the door and Cloud was on the phone talking to someone. I tiptoe my way out of the library and was supposed to head to the master's bedroom when suddenly one wrong step that I have just made may have made a loud creaking sound

Cloud stopped tapping his index finger on a table and turned to look at me with his cellphone near his ear, his green eyes were watching me like a hawk "I'll call you later Noah" he closed his phone and walked up to me

"About time you look at me" he said as he looked down at me with the towering height that made him more dominant looking, he furrowed his brows at me "If I am talking, the least that you could do is answer Angel, don't leave me hanging here"

I cleared my throat "so what are you going to say to me now?" I raised a brow at him, I was expecting him to say sorry to me

"If you think I am going to apologize Angel that is just that imagination of yours" he smirked at me proudly

"Oh of course, how could I forget that a Marshall is a stuck up pride full jerk"  I mocked him with my words and that made him trigger a bit by holding my wrist and pulling me close to him

I gave him my angry smile look
Looks like I struck a nerve

"Angel you don't know me fully yet" he mumbled as his jaw was clenched tightly making him more masculine

I hit him in the arm making him let go of holding my wrist "even if you prided yourself that you already know everything about me, you don't"

"Fuck Angel what is there to be secretive about? I know you"

"You don't know me, you just happened to come barging into my life and became so hostile that it made me madder" I stepped close to him little by little while I used my index finger to point it at his chest to make my point

"After all we are enemies who just lived under the same roof with the same friends that we have to pretend that we are buddy-buddy with each other" I added, frenemy was just a kind word to say that you are friends with your enemy's friend

"So you view our relationship as a frenemy too?" He asked me with amusement written all over his face, I was left super confused at his reaction

I heard a grandfather clock chime
It's midnight

Wait if it's midnight then that means...  "You didn't sleep!!" I said loudly as I was now in a state of panic, J read somewhere that if you have insomnia you have to schedule your sleeping time and 2 hours have already passed from 10 o'clock

I pushed him to the master's bedroom and forced him to lay down on the bed, "are you making a move on me?" His mischief is coming out again

"I would be struck by thunder before I could even make a move on you" I covered his body with the duvet and I did my best to try and make him fall asleep but it's not working

"You'll tire yourself out Angel" he said but I was persistent in helping him sleep, sure he was a full-fledged jerk but he needs his sleep to function properly as a jerk

"Full-fledged jerk?" He chuckled at me
Shit, I said that out loud

I started patting him on the stomach like a baby and after a few minutes he sighed "I can't sleep right now"

So he sat up from the bed and walked out of the bedroom to go to the living room and watch TV, I tried to persuade him to sleep but he won't listen
He is too hard-headed!

"Cloud what about your sleep!?" I whisper yell in his ear as my head was a few inches above his shoulder and I was standing behind the couch

He rubbed the ear to where I whispered yell at him "I am watching right now so doing that to someone's ear is rude Angel" he rolled his eyes and I hit him hard at the shoulder

"What's the point of me helping you sleep if you won't help yourself!?" I asked him as I was already frustrated

"You see this is the point I am getting across to you" he said and I stopped to try and understand what he is saying, I sat at the armrest of the couch "what are you saying?"

"What is the point of me tutoring you if you won't help yourself in your studies? Do your best so things will change around you"

His words struck my brain
He was right

His words struck my brain He was right

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