Luck Must Have Come With A Price

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Chapter one hundred eleven: "Luck Must Have Come With A Price"

Alright you all want to see Cloud's POV so here it is, I swear to God I spoil you all too much

Cloud's POV

I was woken up by Nikki who kept shaking me "Cloud wake up! Penelope is not in her room!" She said in a panicky voice

I shot up from the bed and hurriedly put on my coat before running to her room, her luggage wasn't there anymore only mine was left. Nick was inside the room "Have you seen her leave?" I asked him and he shook his head

"I was supposed to ask if she wanted to eat breakfast with us but when I knocked on the door it was open and she wasn't here!" Nick was worried to the point he is stressing a lot

Could this be from last night?

I ran around the hotel to search for her and asked some workers, all of them told me the same thing

She left...

She left without a word, not only that but I found out that Aiden might have accompanied her on the way back

Last night was never supposed to happen but the timing was not on my side that day

I went back to the hotel room where Angel was supposed to be
I don't know what's wrong with me like I expect her to be there when I return

I feel that someone entered the room so I turned around to see Abby who was smiling at me "Morning Cloud"
Angel was supposed to greet me that way not you

She looked around the room "Penelope has left?" She acted shocked like she wasn't the reason she left

Last night I was supposed to storm off and head to Nick and Nikki's room but I was stopped by Abby who was going back to her room that night, she asked me if I needed any help and I told her my problem with Penelope

She let me in her room so I can continue to 'vent out' that's what she told me and I forgot to close the door properly, she tried to seduce me by removing her shirt and forcefully pulling me to her. When I tried to pull away it made me step on something that made me slip and fall on top of her and exactly at that moment we were caught by Angel

I couldn't forget her hurtful eyes when she saw us by accident

I ran after her back to her hotel room but she locked the door immediately and for the whole night I waited by her door but Nick persuaded me to go to their room so I could sleep properly and explain everything to her tomorrow

Abby tried to approach and I glared at her "I hope that this is the last time we will be seeing each other" I tried to walk away but she blocked my path

"I thought we had something after what happened that night, she didn't look like she had anything to offer"

It was that from that moment that the girl that I thought who has finally become a normal person turned out to be a bitch, she insulted Angel and I can't accept that

"It was my mistake for inviting you, I hope karma bites back. Also, for the record, there was nothing between us after that night" I sneered at her before hitting her shoulder on my way out

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