You Guys Live Together!?

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Chapter forty-eight: "You Guys Live Together!?"

Since we were leaving the facial masks on our faces I grabbed my laptop and called Alice
She would understand the situation

It took a while for her to answer and I was greeted by Alice's huge grin "PENELOPE!!" She yelled happily that I have to turn down the volume of my laptop a bit

"Hey" I waved at her, Alice was applying make up on her face while face timing me

"So what is it?" She asked me as she applied mascara

"It's nothing I just felt like I want to talk to you" I answered and Cloud looked at me with a raised brow

"But I'm here Angel, you can talk to me" he pointed to himself and I stuck out my tongue at him

"Wait who was that? He sounded like- HOLY SHIT!!" She fell back from her chair with shock, Cloud appeared behind me and waved at Alice. She was looking at something and squinted her eyes at the video chat

Her hand covered her wide open mouth "Penelope, you better explain" she wiggled her eyebrows at me with a smug look on her face. I turned my face to look at Cloud who was mere inches close to my face

"Are you gonna tell her or am I?" I asked him and he shrugged at me with one shoulder then grinned after

He moved the laptop to face him properly "So um" he glanced at me before telling Alice but I cut him off first

"Can you keep this a secret?" I questioned Alice who was now leaning at both of her crossed arms on a desk waiting for Cloud to tell her, she gave me two thumbs up partnered with a nod

"Me and Penelope are dating" Cloud said to her in the most straightforward possible way, Alice have to blink a few times and shake her head

She cleaned one side of her ear with her pinky then looked at us "Could you repeat that again Cloud? Because I swore I misheard you saying that you are dating your long time frenemy Penelope" she laughed

I shuffled myself on the bed to make myself appear on the camera "Well..." Cloud was trying hard not to make it weird because she is the first person other than Aiden or my family to know about us dating without knowing the reason

Alice stood up from her seat at the chat "How about this, Hey Cloud I'm gonna visit your place" she suddenly left the call leaving the both of us staring at our reflection on the black screen

"Does she know where you live?" I asked him then took a peek to see what is his reaction to this, he was calm about it

He removed the mask on my face and grabbed the cream that was laying beside me "Alice is close friends with a neighbour of mine, a one night stand I'll call it" he said as he put the cream on my nose then both of my cheeks and forehead

I spread the cream on my face while massaging it "So she slept with your neighbour?" I was still processing that Alice slept with Cloud's neighbour

Cloud walked to the huge window and pulled to the side the blackout curtains to reveal another penthouse that was across the street from him, he pointed at it with his index finger "I was drinking my morning coffee that I almost spat out once I saw her walk around at that penthouse in a very revealing outfit"

"It was a Saturday and the guy who owns that penthouse is friends with Dustin" he added and I stood beside him looking at the penthouse across the street

I saw a guy walking out to the terrace drinking wine straight from the bottle "So how did they meet? did your neighbour explain?"

"They met at a club started hooking up that night, Alice is a wild girl beneath that bubbly persona" he joked but I have to agree with him on that statement
Should I tell him about the piano lesson?

"Hey Cloud" I said out loud to call him and he replied with "hm?"

"I was wondering if after school or a weekend if I could teach piano lessons in a small kindergarten school"

"Why? You have food here and your parents give you your allowance"

"I just want to earn money for myself, I'm saving up cause I want to go somewhere" I sighed, I was planning to go to the bay and meet up with Daisy to enjoy my last summer after graduation before I become a college student

"And where do you plan to go? I'll take you there" he suggested and I shook my head profusely at him

"I'm planning to go there alone" I told him before walking out of the bedroom and sitting on the couch to wait for Alice's arrival

If I say that Cloud is as stubborn as I am, I am spitting facts cause he was not backing down no matter how hard I try to ignore him. To shut him up, I removed his facial mask and put the cream on his face shushing him every time he tries to speak

I lightly slapped his face before closing the cream and hopped to the kitchen to put it back in the refrigerator, there was a hand that was laid on the door of the fridge "No matter what you do this time I won't tell you" I spoke up

His warm breath I could feel at the nape of my neck caused me to be flustered, I quickly turned around to face Cloud and slightly shove him away from me. I knew then and there that it was time to move farther away from him cause his mischief aura is getting bigger now

Just before he could touch me the elevator chimed and Alice walked in wearing a party dress and a face full of makeup "Now explain" she sat at a barstool

She walked in like she owned the place and demanded a full detailed explanation of how did we managed to date each other

"Well I just like her" Cloud made up that worse made-up lie that I have ever heard him say which resulted in Alice blowing a raspberry

"You can't just one day think that you liked her! Weirdly, you guys have been frenemy for year's and all of sudden you two will tell me that you guys are now dating!?" She was so confused trying to understand that her face was so funny to watch

She stopped making faces then stared at us "Fine, prove it. Prove that you guys are not frenemy's anymore" she crossed her arms and funny enough I can imagine her as a demanding kid

I rolled my eyes and put a hand on my waist "Like what?"

Alice put her finger to her lips "Kiss" she smirked and that is where I drew the line, "You can't force two people to kiss like barbie dolls Alice"

"Alright" Cloud accepted it and I had to glare at him with his decision without consulting me

He bent down to me with a proud smirk
Don't you dare even dream about it Marshall

"Fine" I sighed and kissed my hand then smacked that hand at the centre of his face leaving Alice startled and Cloud in pain

"You said kiss and I indirectly kissed him, you didn't specify what kind of kiss it is anyway"

"Gosh darn Angel, you're too violent" he groaned as he leaned on the dinner table and Alice helped him

"You dated me anyway, it's expected"

Alice realized that maybe she shouldn't have demanded us to kiss each other and apologized to the both of us "Sorry guys I didn't mean to expect this, Penelope must be shy about the new relationship"

"Nah, it's fine I can manage to even live and sleep beside her so this is nothing"

That's when hell got loose when Alice heard what Cloud said



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