Mrs. Worldwide

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Chapter sixty-eight: "Mrs. Worldwide"

Cloud ordered me to stay in the bedroom and sleep but I've been sleeping a lot since this morning and I might have enough battery that I could stay awake until sunrise, the scent of delicious food hit my nostrils and I couldn't resist stepping out of the bedroom to see what he was cooking in the kitchen

Cloud being domestic is adding points to his charm and I would be lying if I didn't find it attractive, his busy back was chopping potatoes while the food in a pot was simmering. I slowly walked quietly to sit at one of the barstools that is beside the kitchen island and I watched him

He was multitasking and he was good at it,  his attention was split into two. One is where he is cutting the ingredients and the other is where either he is frying or boiling the food

I couldn't help but say "Woah" out loud which made him jump a bit and quickly turn his body to look at me

"Angel I told you to sleep" he scolded me as he was stirring the sauce in a pot, I groaned and stretched my arms out on the kitchen island marble countertop "I don't feel sleepy anymore, can I help you?"

He shakes his head at me "No, rest" he gestures using his head pointing back to the bedroom, I crossed my arms at him and I continued to be stubborn
I don't even remember Cloud taking a rest after he landed back here

"No you should rest, you just came back from a long flight and you still have the energy to cook food?"

"More energy than you do" he wittily answered me with a smug look

His reply made me speechless and I have no way to explain how he did it but it made me shut up, I did try to help him by at least peeling the skin off the carrots but he took it away from me by quickly grabbing it from my hands and putting it on a countertop far away from me
He really wasn't gonna let me help in the cooking

We are together and talked about how his trip went during his three-day trip to Barcelona, as soon as I was finished he took the dishes away and shoved them all in the dishwasher.

His strong arms instantly went under me and he carried me back to the bedroom and dropped me on the bed like I was just a sack of potatoes, I rolled around the bed making weird noises to annoy the hell out of him so he could let me wander around the penthouse for a while so I could build up sleep

"Are you a dog or what?" He asked me while giving me a funny look, I chuckled "I want to walk around so I could build up sleep.

The energy that I have earned during my entire day sleep made me feel like I could run a marathon and have more energy to make it to the grocery store and run back home"

Laughter erupted from his chest as he went to the library room, I followed him. Cloud was pulling the next subject he was gonna teach me today "If you are not sleepy then I guess we should continue where we left off" he told me as he dropped 3 books in my hand


We studied together for a good three hours when I heard my phone ring in the bedroom which echoed throughout the penthouse, I put down my pen and hurriedly ran to the bedroom to answer the call. Turns out it was Mom who is calling me

Before I could answer the call I showed the caller ID to Cloud and made a hand sign that he should be quiet, he agreed to me. So I answered the call

"Hey chérie" (Hey sweetie) she chimed happily to me in French that made Cloud look up at me from his book

"Salut maman, de quoi as-tu besoin?" (Hi Mom, what do you need?) I asked her, taking a seat back beside Cloud

He watched me with great interest and an observing look

"Comment ca va? ta fièvre est tombée?" (How are you? Has your fever gone down?)

I nodded my head and said "Oui" (Yes) simultaneously like I was facing in front of Mom right now, there was a lot of noise in the background and one of them is Ella laughing hysterically at the top of her lungs

I can hear Mom talking to someone and the sound of the call being given to the other person and it turned out to be Dad "Ehi Penelope" (Hi Penelope) My Dad switched from speaking to Mom in French to speaking to him in Italian

"Ehi papà, perché la chiamata improvvisa? è successo qualcosa?" (Hey dad, why the sudden call? did something happen?) I leaned back at the chair and was playing with Cloud's hair because he was resting his head on his arms that are folded on the table so it was easy to touch it
So soft

He mumbled "Mrs. Worldwide" then a snort came out that I have to cover his mouth in a state of panic that my parents could hear there is another person with me, from all the years that I was living under their household I know for a fact that if my parents hear thaa someone is with me they would want to talk to them also and I'm not gonna let Cloud make them know that he was here beside me

"Non dimenticare che il Ringraziamento è dietro l'angolo e dobbiamo andare a casa di uno dei tuoi zii per l'occasione" (Don't forget that Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we have to go to one of your uncles' house for the occasion) he informed me, I slapped the side of my head with the palm of my hands for forgetting that

Cloud leaned into my ear and whispered quietly "What did he say?" His breath that reached my ear made me tickle, I went to lean in close to whisper in his ear, and his arm went around my waist like it was a common occurrence
You sly person

"My Dad told me that I might forget my family's reunion in Thanksgiving"

He looked at me and went "You mean the entire Price clan?" I nodded

"But you said before that there are 60 of you guys, how?" He was puzzled more on how the event of my family reunion will turn out since 60 people is not a few but a lot

The idea made him scratch his head "Good luck with that"

I put the phone near my ear again and Day went on to continue saying "Staremo lì per 2 settimane" (We will be staying there for 2 weeks) I almost dropped my phone if it wasn't for Cloud who managed to catch it in time before it hits the ground

We looked at each other and he was the most confused because he doesn't know what I am talking about with my Dad, I cleared my throat before replying "Certo, quindi quando partiremo?" (Sure, so when are we leaving?)

"Partiremo entro la prossima settimana, quindi ci vediamo a casa così possiamo uscire presto" (We will be leaving within next week, so see you at home so we can get out early)

He and my Mom said goodbye to me before ending the call, I played with my phone in my hands when I turned my torso to face Cloud who is now waiting for an explanation "So um, you see, I...might be gone for 2 weeks and I might leave by next week"

"Say what now?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing so I repeated it again, Cloud made a thinking face before he snapped his fingers and made a huge grin "That's no problem"
What the heck did he think of a solution to this? We will be far away that the 2 weeks might turn into 2 weeks and 4 days since it will take 2 days to go to the destination and 2 more days when we're coming back

"Say what now?" He couldn't believe what he was hearing so I repeated it again, Cloud made a thinking face before he snapped his fingers and made a huge grin "That's no problem" What the heck did he think of a solution to this? We will be far away...

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