Born For The Job

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Chapter one hundred nineteen: "Born For The Job"

Aiden's back was facing me as he searched through the CD box, I feel like he was looking for CDs as a distraction. My hand went to his back that made him stop

"Aiden" I called out his name softly and my hand that was on his back felt his entire body relax

He hasn't faced me yet when he stood up, it got me worried that the carefree guy was so tense right now "It's just..." He turned around to face me "Cloud will always be the better guy"

"What do you mean?"
Is this inferiority complex?

He chuckled a little as his eyes were dead serious "He always managed to get everything he ever wanted, always a step ahead of me"

Cloud was never given anything he wanted, he worked hard for it, I know because I saw it with my own eyes how he love his studies and doing modeling

But I couldn't say that to Aiden right now

"Is this connected to the fight you both had years ago? The one where you were about to leave?"

"It was years ago but I couldn't help myself to remember it so quickly when I met him again in the music lounge" he grabbed a popcorn from the bowl and threw one in the air that landed in his mouth

I sat down on the couch and he sat beside me "That was a childhood fight, I didn't even think a fight could last this long"

Aiden rested his head at my shoulder "Penelope, you've already known how competitive and selfish, me and Cloud could be"

I set down the bowl of popcorn beside me as I put an arm around him in a comforting way, a small laugh escaped my lips "How could I forget? Everything was a competition to you two, my most recent memory of you two being competitive is fighting over for the last chocolate piece on a plate"

They used rock, paper, and scissors to make it fair and square but they both don't want to back down so while they were fighting Danny stole the chocolate and ate it behind their backs, I just kept my mouth shut when I saw it

"Once we want something we become selfish" he glanced up at me from my shoulder "It just so happen that the last thing we would be fighting over is you"

Those words gave me a slap of realization, these two have been fighting for a long time because of childhood competitiveness. I was so busy with myself I never noticed that I was the reason

The first thing that came to my mind was "What the hell did little Cloud and Aiden we're thinking?"

I don't think I look or even act cute when I was little, because of course, I would be a violent tomboyish child that would grow up to hate herself

Aiden moved his head a bit so that his chin was on top of my shoulder then he wrapped his arms around my waist "I don't want to lose you to him but when I heard from the rumors that you two were dating I felt like I can't control my rage "

His hug tightened
Aiden, you must be mixing up your true feelings about me because of your competitiveness with Cloud

You might think you're in love with me but what you want was to win against Cloud

I can't assume it though because if I say it to him it would cause me to hurt his feelings

We sat there on the couch hugging each other for a long time "I don't know what you guys see in me, all those years you both could've found a girl much better than me but here we are in this small mess that started in childhood"

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