Interogation or Noble talk?

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I turned away and saw Nicholas,Xavier and Hayden approaching us.

Well fuck.

As they finally arrived my pits started sweating a bit.
I was nervous in front of my own students. That too these brats! Please God let this be bottom.

"Kai, where have you been?" Xavier said then his eyes turned to me "Oh! I didn't see you there! Hello." He said noticing me.

But...I definitely saw them looking at me..was I imagining things because of stress?

"Ah! Hello your highness, I am Zane Reagen, the Duke and Duchess Reagen's son." I greeted

"Oh yes! Forgive me I don't see you much at social events." He said looking at me intently

"Haha..oh well..I'm not much of a social butterfly" I said giving an awkward laugh

He nodded with a smile.
"Mmhmm" Hayden cleared his throat. Everyone's attention went towards him.

"I am Hayden  Rochester. A pleasure to meet you" he said offering his hand.

I took his hand to shake it. As soon as my hand touched his his expression changed for a moment
But before I could figure it out Nicholas clapped his hands.

Diverting our attention.

"Well I guess I'm the only one left! I'm Nicholas Winchester, son of Earl Winchester. It's a pleasure to meet you Sir Zane" he said

"Likewise, sir Nicholas" I said

The expression was completely gone from Hayden's face now.

"So when did you come back? I thought you were travelling?" Kaiden asked

"Oh I came back two yea- I mean 2 days ago. My father said it was time for me to come do my duties" I said. Fuck.Almost busted.

"Hmm. Two days ago you say?" Kaiden asked

"Yes" what's with this atmosphere it's like they were interrogating me.

I didnt participate in high society social events much so I don't know if this is normal combo between nobles orrrr an interrogation.

"So where were you staying?" Nicholas asked

" I was in Valeria" I said lying.

The others nodded a little. I don't lie much so when I saw their doubtful faces I was afraid I had gotten caught but before they could ask more we heard a voice

"Xavier!!" We turned in the direction of the voice.
It was crown Princess Cecily.

I bowed as she came foward she hugged Xavier.

Before sons were chosen above daughters in the line of succession but that was changed by the previous king who had wanted daughters but unfortunately had only sons

So in that order, Cecily being 4 years older than Xavier was, became the heir to the throne.

She said hi to the other 3 and as her eyes landed on me I bowed.

"Greetings to her highness, crown Princess Cecily"

"Greetings to you too sir..." She said looking at me shyly.

"Zane. Zane Reagen. Thank you for attending my sister's engagement party" I said

"Oh of course! Y-you are the famous Zane Mary speaks so fondly of" she said clapping her hands and looking at me shyly

I laughed "yes"
I noticed the brats stirring up a bit. But when I looked around everything looked fine.

"It's..nice to finally meet you Sir Zane" she said tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
"The pleasure is mine Princess" I said

"Oh please! Call me Cecily" she said
"Bu-" I started to object
"I insist!" She cut me

"Sister you Shouldn't force others" Xavier said looking a little annoyed

"I'm not forcing him! I'm requesting him! You don't mind do you sir Zane" she asked looking in my direction

"Well..only if you too call me just Zane" I said.
It would be fine right? She seemed nice

"But I would request we only do this in private" I said
I wasn't stupid. Other nobles would stir up gossip hear us refer to each other without our titles.

She blushed "o-of couse only in private"

I smiled "Then it's do-"
"So come to the palace tomorrow!" She said
and Xavier, Nick, Kaiden and Hayden's head all turned at once in her direction


Hey you guys! Here's the chapter I promised. I was going to post sooner but I just got the idea of a new charecter. Cecily! Tell me what you thought of her.
I've been a little down lately and reading your comments really cheered me up!
I am very grateful for all of you. Life hasn't been easy but writting these stories and reading about how these stories of mine cheer some of you guys up is a huge mood booster. Thank you for waiting so patiently. You guys are the best.

Andddd... I was reading some comments and It was brought to my notice that the scene that A3 month old baby was talking with a small tongue so little and walking with baby arms has started a whole conversation and I don't blame y'all .
I don't know what I was thinking when I wrote that🤣😝. So I've edited it and made it 7 and 8 months

I still don't know if that's right though. I don't know much about babies ok?! Sue me. I could Google it but honestly writting this sentence write here only has me exhausted. See what school does to you? Anyway so I don't have the power to type 'can 7 month olds speak?' they probably can. I think.
Anyway once again thanks for waiting. Love y'all 🤗❤️

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