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"So! Lord Zane, tell me more about yourself. I was very sad i couldn't talk to you more at Mary's party" Princess Cecily said clapping her hands enthusiastically.

"Well, i uh- I was a student at the Valerian magic academy and after graduation i travelled a lot. Met some interesting people and came back..." 2 Years ago and have been hiding my identity ever since.  "..4 days ago. Quite recently" Look at me lying through my teeth. I should be called Liar Larry instead of Lord Zane.

" That sounds very interesting! I wish I could travel some more but my duties just never let me" she said with an overly dramatic sigh.

I laughed at this. She was quite funny.

I didn't realise that all 4 of the brats' eyes were on me when I laughed out loud.

I looked at Nicholas and saw a deep emotion swirling in his eyes but it was gone before I could decipher what it was.

All 4 looked away from me after I noticed them.

Man, this meeting is going to take off 5 years off of my life.
I chuckled nervously.

" So what type of magic do you specialize in Lord Zane?" Kaiden asked with a deep intense look in his eyes. The other 3 looked back at me with new interest and...was that mischief i saw in Hayden's eyes?

Princess Cecily looked at me with a big genuine smile on her face, waiting for my answer.

This was quite a dangerous position I was in . So obviously I replied with "Wind magic Lord Kaiden. That is my speciality"
Yup I was lying again lying allllllthe way to Valeria.

I saw shock and disappointment pass over Kaiden's eyes. Xavier raised a brow at me, haiden scowled and Nicholas calmly sipped his tea.

"Wind! Oh that's wonderful! Nicky here too is specialising in Wind magic aren't you Nicky?" Cecily asked Nicholas.
He gently placed down his tea cup and smiled softly.

"Yes Princess. I am. However I had no idea you had specialized in wing lord Zane. This is very interesting information" Nicholas said looking at me. He was smiling but the look in his eyes told me he was suspicious.

Ok. In academy i had specialized in water but when you are a BET ranker you usually had to have knowledge in all fields. So i had a lot of wind magic knowledge and practice.
Everyone already was suspicious I didn't want to increase there suspicion by telling my water magic background.

" Well- i don't think it's that interesting. I'm a normal wind user. Nothing special" i said trying to get another topic going.

"Oh but it is. Nick was just telling me he was having trouble witha few Practical skills. You would surely be able to help him" Xavier said with a smile on his face.

This little-

"Oh yes I would be very grateful if you helped me Lod Zane" Nicholas said with a soft smile that would melt every lady's heart and a predator like look in his face.

Haaah...I'm so screwed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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