59 - Loss For Words

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Juice turned the internet upside down, but he didn't come across a lawyer called Timothy. Based on Mouse's description he did show her some pictures, but she shook her head each time. 

It was a strange story. In the end, they decided to let it go, although Raine informed the daycare center where Sasha stayed. The thought that someone might be willing to hurt the little girl, turned Juice's stomach into knots. Raine had already gone through so much; he didn't want him to go through another shit storm. He knew the whole thing was bothering his boyfriend, also in the weeks that followed. The kidnapping of his father and the loss of his mother and sister had left traces. The fear to lose more people he loved, had returned after Mouse's observations. They couldn't do anything about diseases, but they could do something about their lifestyles, about the fact that they were both in a gang. By now, Juice had talked to Belladonna, Mouse's ex, and she agreed to have a meeting with Jax. Juice had faith in a good outcome. Soon, he would be able to say goodbye to the club. Then, he'd only have to wait until Raine had permission to leave too. 

The Mayans no longer felt like a home to Raine. A few weeks had passed since he found out about Esai's lie. He acted like his former friend didn't exist, declining every step towards reconciliation, but the bond with his other brothers was disturbed as well. They tolerated their relationship, and that was it. Phantom was the only one he could still get along with and occasionally the three of them hung out—and sometimes Mouse joined them. Juice considered him as a nice guy and secretly, he liked to tease Raine with it. 

Today, however, they would go out together. Juice and Mouse had driven to Oakland; she would spend the day with Sammy and Sasha. Just to be safe, he had given her his gun—in case they would cross paths with that strange guy again. 

Juice's hands felt clammy as he rang the doorbell. Next to him, Mouse chuckled. "If you don't get your act together real soon, he's gonna see through you before you've even left the street."

Her words didn't exactly improve his nerves and he gave her a wronged look, which only made her smirk grow. "I'm not even sure I'll do it today."

Which was bullshit. The moment he arrived at their destination, there wouldn't even be a way back anymore. That however was something he didn't want to overthink. 

The door opened. Juice felt like an idiot, but he couldn't help it—his heart raced in his chest. Raine wasn't wearing his kutte; he was clothed in a simple grey shirt and dark jeans. He looked just as irresistible as the day they met. 

Exactly one year ago. 

Although back then, there had been too many things on his mind to appreciate the man's handsomeness. 

"Hey!" Raine pulled him into a warm embrace and pecked his lips before he turned towards Mouse to greet her with a hug. Letting go of her, he glanced curiously at Juice while his hand found his. Their fingers intertwined. "Big plans today?"

His chest was trembling. Did Raine already see through him? Had he chosen a day that was way too obvious? Or was he referring to the fact that all plans could be considered as 'big', since they hadn't gone out a lot and their encounters always felt short—often interrupted by one of their clubs?

He was afraid it would happen today too—although the nervousness was so prominent right now that an interruption almost sounded like a relief. 

"Something that could pass for a date," he answered, fighting the blush on his cheeks.

Chuckling, Raine pressed his lips to his jaw. "Now I'm curious."

Half an hour later, they entered an arcade hall. Lights were blinking and they were surrounded by the noises of old-school video games. When Juice was younger, he'd hung around places like this all the time, with only a few cents in his pocket. He used to pick pockets with his friends and share the loot.

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