20 - Good Intentions

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Although it was close to midnight, he rang the doorbell. He hadn't seen Juice in a week; every time they planned something, one of the clubs needed them. Something was coming; it felt like the air was electrically charged. All his brothers were moody, as if they all sensed someone was watching them without having proof of it. It ate at him.

He had asked Sammy to stay with Sasha tonight. She was the only one who knew about his relationship with Juice. With wide eyes, she had stared at him when he told her; after she had hugged him happily.

The door swung open.

Raine smirked at the sight of Juice's stunned face. He hadn't informed his friend; he'd wanted to surprise him.

He went inside, kicking the door shut with his heel and pushing his boyfriend roughly against the wall. It felt like he couldn't live a second longer without his lips; he kissed him passionately, letting his excitement getting the best of him.

His hands slipped underneath Juice's shirt while his lips attacked the skin of his neck. The man gasped when Raine's hands roamed across his warm body. Through the thin sweatpants, he could feel the effect his touches had on Juice, making him grow too.

"I couldn't be without you any longer," Raine grunted in his ear.

Suddenly, Juice pushed him away. Raine stumbled backwards, glancing at his boyfriend in confusion. He caught a glimpse of Juice's smirk, then the boy grabbed the collar of his kutte and backed him up against the opposite wall. The kiss that followed was hot and heavy; his whole body seemed to tremble, while he moaned into Juice's mouth.

"You're so fucking hot," Raine said in a hoarse voice. "So damn sexy."

He loved this confident and dominant side of Juice. He also liked his shyness which made him become all wet inside, but it was this mix that kept the man on his mind 24/7.

Juice tugged at his lip with his teeth. "Too bad for you, I already invited two girls over."

"They were out of men?" he teased.

Juice chuckled, a sound that made his heart flutter. "I didn't want to make you jealous."

His hands glided around Juice's behind and he pulled the man closer. His eyes searched for those of his lover. "Don't worry about that. You don't dare to do more than kissing 'em anyway."

He smirked, satisfied when Juice's cheeks turned red. That however, didn't keep Juice from moving his hand to Raine's crotch to grab him. "You can't convince me it was my kisses that made you cum last week."

"My own fantasies are to blame."

"Fantasies about me giving you a hand job?"

Through the fabric of his pants, Juice kneaded him. Raine wanted nothing more than to pull down those cursed jeans, but he didn't. Not here in the hallway. Instead, he raised his hand and caressed the side of Juice's face.

"I missed you," he said honestly.

The look in Juice's eyes changed. He loved the vulnerability in them, the way he could completely expose himself by just one look. His hand left his erection and moved to his hip. The kiss that followed was soft and loving, and Raine closed his eyes for a moment. Because of a sudden longing for an intimate embrace, he pulled his friend into a tight hug.

He was still stunned by the feelings Juice called up inside him. He had never experienced something like this with his exes. Such a feeling of... being complete when the man was holding him. The fear that he might lose him one day, was paralyzing.

For a long time, they were holding each other. When Raine pulled away, Juice studied his face. "Rough day?"

He sighed. "Yeah."

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