62 - As Good As Dead

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They were long, busy days. The club was negotiating with new parties to which they could sell their guns, resulting in the absence of many of his brothers. In the meantime, business in the garage continued, causing Juice to have twice as much work. 

Work was the only thing on his mind, there was barely room left to think about something else. For now, Juice didn't mind. All he had to do, was wait until Sack would get his patch. A few more weeks, two more months? He'd manage. 

Yet, the atmosphere was loaded. In the garage, he heard loud voices coming from the clubhouse bordering the workshop and people were slamming doors. Was there a fight? 

Whatever. It's not your problem. 

With these words, Juice tried to get rid of the tension he felt, but it was easier said than done. He was still part of the club. If there was something going on, it would also affect his life. Furthermore, he still cared about the club. He didn't want anyone to get in trouble. 

After carrying around a heavy feeling in his chest for twenty more minutes, he headed to the clubhouse. The moment he entered the room, Clay aimed his dark glance at him. It didn't have to mean anything, that man looked grumpy half of the time... But still... Was he imagining things or were the others looking differently at him too? Did something happen? Something related to the Mayans? He felt a pang in his stomach. 

That was his biggest fear. A new gang war.

Raine and he, ending on opposite sides while none of their clubs would tolerate their wish to stay out of it. A gunfight where Raine would be on the other side of the line...

Calm down, he said sternly to himself. There's no reason to assume that something like that happened. Raine would have warned you if the Mayans had done something shitty. You're once again panicking over nothing. 

If he really was the reason why Clay was in such a bad mood, there could be a lot of reasons. Maybe his phone was off, or he had made a mistake while fixing a car, or he'd forgotten something important...

"Chapel," his president said before Juice could ask if there was something wrong. Clay glanced at Jax, who nodded. 

"You too, Juicy."

Now, he broke into a cold sweat. Why did Jax mention him specifically? He always attended the meetings, he never missed them when he was at the clubhouse. With leaden steps and a heart that beat too frantically, Juice went to the meeting room where he took his usual spot. All faces looked grim. 

Why did it feel like everyone else already knew what was going on? His glance shot to Chibs. Normally, he would reassure him with a simple nod, but this time he thoughtfully stared at the Reaper, which was carved in the wooden table.

The door was closed. It felt awfully definitive. 

Juice folded his hands between his knees. His shoulders felt sore while he sat a little hunched over, his breath leaving his lips in jolts.

Clay leaned forward, his arms resting on the table. "Most of you know by now. Our armory was robbed tonight. Sack and Phil are both injured."

Juice's eyes widened in shock. This had happened tonight? Restlessly, he shoved his foot across the floor. Why did they wait so long to have this meeting? Dazed, he looked around, but the faces of the others were rigid. Nobody else seemed surprised. 

Did everyone else already know? 

Nobody responded to Clay's words. Juice had the indefinable feeling that they were waiting for him to say something. He gathered his courage. "Do we know who did it? Did the guys see something?"

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