6 - Confusing Desires

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Now that they were sitting in plain sight, Juice felt the nerves return. As Raine caught his skittish glance, he raised his eyebrows questioningly. Juice leaned over the table, as if others would catch his words otherwise.

"It's just... I'm from Queens, my whole club knows that. Your uncle is a Mayan, you grew up with Alvarez' son.... They know you're not from the east coast."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I've been part of an exchange project in high school, for two months. I'm sure nobody remembers where exactly that was. Just relax."

Juice felt the heat gather in his cheeks, he was really looking like a coward. He just didn't like to lie to his brothers, but if Raine didn't want to admit that they'd just met, it meant he also believed there was a future for their growing friendship, right? Something warm nestled inside his stomach, making his lips curl up again.

"Your friend said you bought a Rubik's Cube yourself, too. I'm happy it's so helpful."

Juice fought against the urge to glance down. If he was completely honest, he wasn't sure what was really calming him down when he felt restless; the puzzle itself or the memory of the Mayan. He took a bite of his hotdog, wiping away a bit of sauce from his bottom lip. Frantically he looked for a change of subject; one that had nothing to do with his panic attacks.

Earlier today an idea had crossed his mind, but part of him was afraid that Raine had already looked at all possibilities; making him look like an idiot for suggesting something so obvious. The silence, however, threatened to suffocate him as well, so after swallowing another bite he said: "I was thinking... You ever considered to organize a fundraiser? I mean – as a club? To support the family members of terminally ill patients who live abroad? I'm sure your sister isn't the only one with family in another country. That way you can raise money for your family, and give your sister the chance to say goodbye to them. I mean – if that's something she would want." He worried his lip, but he pulled through: "I'm not sure if I can be around, but I wouldn't mind to help behind the scenes. For example, Mouse's doing puppet shows; little kids love it. And Oakland is big; I'm sure it will attract a lot of people."

Something about the look in Raine's eyes, made his heart skip a beat and his breathing falter. Something fluttered in his stomach; something he wanted to beat to death because it made his cheeks flush.

"That's an amazing idea! I dunno – I never gave it much thought. Of course my sister is worth it, but I dunno... I never felt like other people would be willing to pay for the tickets. But if we organize something on a bigger scale, just turning it into some cool event... Dude, that's an amazing idea!"

His enthusiasm fueled Juice's enthusiasm as well, and before they knew it, they were brainstorming about possible activities. Juice was so immersed in the conversation, that for a moment he forget where he was. He almost jumped when a Mayan flopped down on the bench next to Raine, wrapping an arm around the man's shoulders, and looking curiously back and forth between Raine and him.

"Are the guys of our founding charter so boring you're cozyin' up to the Sons?" The brown haired man smirked at Juice, although there was no threatening glance in his eyes. His kutte told Juice that he was a member of the Santo Padre charter. Juice estimated him a few years older than them; in his early 30's.

"Hard to find a new homie, Ang," Raine answered lightly. "Already know everything about Esai; I hoped to find my meal outside the door this time."

His eyes shot to Juice, a smirk playing around his lips.

Juice felt flaming hot. Raine made it sound like he was some kind of exotic snack. He had no idea where to look or what to say.

The Mayan started to laugh. "Well, doesn't sound like there's a lot comin' out of that mouth."

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