82 - Bait

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The empty chair in the room was prominent. Chibs' gaze was constantly drawn to it, like an itchy wound you couldn't keep your fingers off.

Which he also had. The wound had now closed and he was no longer as tired as the first two days, but he couldn't say he was back to his old self.

Although that was also because of that darned empty chair.

"It's time we got our hands on that dirty rat," Clay spoke. Apparently, he couldn't stand that empty chair either—though perhaps for different reasons.

Pondering, Chibs looked at his president. "Is it wise to focus on that now? It can never be long before the IRA is here for us."

"That's precisely why we need that brat. So he can tell us where those weapons are."

Chibs heaved a sigh. "I don't believe the lad knows where they are."

"Then we shouldn't let him roam around either. He knows all our secrets, he can get in anywhere with those damn hacking skills." The last words were accompanied by a fist hitting the table.

"But how will you track him down? We've been looking out for him for days. He's gone, I bet he's with Alvarez," Jax objected. "Now do you want to get into a war with them too?"

"With the new weapons being delivered tomorrow, that won't be too difficult."

The new weapons. The sonic ones, which they had been so fierce against at first. When it turned out the offer still stood, they had reluctantly agreed. With the IRA coming for them, they had little choice.

"We don't even know how well those work," Jax objected. "Maybe they expect us to come up with that and have their hands on something to disrupt the signal or have ear muffs. This is new territory for us—we shouldn't be exploring that while stepping onto a minefield!"

Clay took ample time to light up a cigar. Then he leaned back, scanning their faces one by one. "We'll lure him here. That girl still lives in that house. We'll put a gun to her head and threaten to blow up her brain; then he'll show his shitty face and we'll take him out."

Take him out. The words echoed through Chibs' head. The man spoke about it so easily that it made him feel uneasy. Especially since part of him still didn't believe that the Mayans had stolen their guns at all. However, the firmness with which his president spoke made him stay quiet. For now, until he knew more.

"Are you serious?" Jax shared the indignation he felt. "Are we going to threaten women now too?"

"We won't really hurt her," Clay soothed. "Juice only has to think so."

Silently, Jax shook his head. Yet his discontent remained there. Perhaps he also saw the benefits of eliminating Juice as soon as possible—and if they had to go over the line one more time... So be it. 

"I want to be there," Chibs hummed. "So I can look that jerk in the eye when he shows up."

Clay nodded approvingly. "You go there, along with Hap."

Happy only gave a nod, then they rose silently from the table.

Just the two of them. That would work.

"Let me ring the bell, otherwise she might not open. That girl isn't stupid," Chibs said after they got off their bikes.

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