29 - Fury

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His father was gone...

Raine couldn't get his head around it. Why the hell would someone kidnap his father? They didn't have a lot of money, he had no ties with whatever shady organization... His father was just a broken, common man who had gone through too much misery to be abducted now. 

Could they be wrong? Maybe his father was indisposed, someone might have taken him to the hospital without being able to identify him... 

The ride to Oakland had never taken this long. When he finally parked his bike, he ran inside the clubhouse without waiting for the others. There was only one Mayan in the clubhouse. He believed it was a good sign; hopefully the others were onto his father. 

Briefly he gave Martinez a hug, the oldest of his brothers. 

"They got him. The abductor."

Martinez had always been a man of few words; also this time, he ordered Raine to follow him with a simple nod of his head. Through a door they headed to the working place, which they crossed to find access to the hangar adjacent to it. Someone was sitting on a chair, his head hanging down. 

"Ah, you're just in time for the grand finale," Esai yelled over his shoulder. Taking the bat from Lucille, Esai held it out to Raine. 

Raine's eyes shot back to the man they had bound to the chair. There wasn't much life in him left. 

A fluorescent tube was blinking. Because of the changing light, Raine suddenly caught a glance of a partly shaved head and tattoos. Abruptly, he stood still. Suddenly he couldn't breathe anymore, the room was spinning around him. Is that... Is that... 

He blinked his eyes, convinced that the whole situation was messing with his head. But no — it was him. 

It was really him. 

"O no," he whispered. "Oh no — what have you done?"

Ignoring the bat, he ran towards his boyfriend. Tears blinded him at the sight of all the blood. He fell on his knees in front of the man and took his face between his shaking hands. 

"Juice," he said in an insistent tone. "Juice... Baby look at me. Can you hear me?"

Juice didn't respond. 

Someone grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back. "What the fuck are you doing? It's him Raine, we caught him red-"

Raine jumped up, grabbing Esai by the throat. "He's my boyfriend, you idiot! You beat up my boyfriend! I asked him to pick up Sasha! What the hell is wrong with you man!" Tears streamed down his cheeks. Sobbing, he pushed Esai away. This was something he would have to deal with later. Right now, all he wanted was taking Juice away from this place. Pulling a knife, he cut the ropes around Juice's wrists. Immediately he slumped forward, crashing into Raine's chest. He wailed like a wounded animal, the sound of it cutting Raine's heart. 

"Sorry," he whispered. "I'm so sorry baby." He took a deep breath and forced his eyes to stay dry. Carefully he shoved an arm underneath Juice's knees, his other arm he wrapped around his back. Slowly, he lifted him up and turned around, carrying his boyfriend in his arms. 

"Don't just stand there and get a doctor!" he snapped at Esai. There after, his dark glance fell upon Lucille. "And you... If he dies, I will crack your skull."

He couldn't care less about the fact that the guy was twice as tall as him. He didn't wait to hear their comments, but turned away from his brothers and carried Juice through the hangar and the workplace, towards his room. With difficulty he pried his key out of his pocket, which he shoved into the lock with shaking fingers. With his elbow, he pushed down the door handle. 

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