26 - Won't End Well

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Juice was right. 

His injury was indeed too fresh. It was a long ride and the past weeks he had barely used his body. His muscles were aching and the scar on his stomach stung. Raine was immensely relieved as they approached the clubhouse of Santo Padre. Parking his bike on the side of the lot, he slid off his Harley. His hand glided across his stomach while he squeezed his eyes, cursing. 

Before the others would see how weak he felt, he pushed away the pain and greeted the Mayans of the Santo Padre chapter. 

"Yo hermano," Angel laughed, pulling him in a squeezing hug. "Our good Samaritan!" He leaned back to give him a once over. "Good to see you brother."

During Raine's recovery they had texted each other. If the guys hadn't been so busy around here, Angel might have visited him. 

"The ride was okay?"

"A little too long."

Angel gave him a pensive look. "Well — you almost died. Has a huge impact on your fitness and shit."

Raine sighed. Probably. "A good beer will do wonders."

"Good beer and a hot chick," Angel winked. He wrapped an arm around his shoulders and led him to the clubhouse. "I made room for you in my trailer." He laughed. "I missed you man."

Raine smiled. He had missed his friend too. His friendship with Angel went deeper than those with the other guys. Raine had just started prospecting when Angel's mother was murdered in her husband's butchery. Raine, who had just lost his own mother, had been a great support, especially when Angel's little brother was sent to prison after accidentally killing a cop when he was chasing his mother's murderer. 

On his way inside he greeted some of the other guys. It was strange how quickly everything felt familiar. It felt like he'd never left. 

"Don't ya wanna come back?" Angel asked. They were sitting at a couch in the corner, with good sight on the stripper pole. When they had signed up for the club as young boys, this had been their favorite spot. Right now, Raine could care less about the scantily dressed women. 

Raine took a drag from his cigarette. Did he want to come back? Yeah, he did, he realized. He liked the quiet of Santo Padre; although he was raised in Oakland, this place had always felt like a liberation. He had gone to this place to deal with the death of his mom. His sister's sickness had pulled him back. Something told him this was also the right place to deal with her death. 

But Juice wouldn't be here. Angel could be a great support, but he wasn't Juice. Missing him would tear him up. He however couldn't tell Angel, his friend didn't even know that he was in a relationship. 

"Maybe, after a while," he said. "But I can't leave now. Sammy needs me."

He nodded understandingly. "How she holding up?"

"She has her ups and downs. Esai has been a great support."

Angel looked him in the eye. "That ain't bothering you?"

Raine knew what he meant. Just like most of them, Esai slept around. Yet, he believed his friend had enough respect for his little sister to treat her differently than all those club whores.

"I'm not sure they're more than friends. I think he will only push for more if his feelings are more serious."

"And what about your feelings? Elin stops by now and then. She misses you. Once she knows you're here, she'll come for you."

Elin... He didn't exactly look forward to see her.

"I'm over her," he shrugged. He leaned back in the couch. Fuck — that wound really stung. "In fact, I met someone."

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