84 - To Expose the Devil

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On the internet, they searched for a motel somewhere between Charming and Santo Padre. Angel refused to let them go alone, so he tailed them with another Mayan. Coco, Juice thought his name was. The man who'd been so blunt upon Juice's arrival. He was clearly someone who cared about Raine too, which made Juice feel a little more comfortable. After all, it could still be a trap, a trap that Mouse neither knew anything about. It wasn't very hard to forward the address to the other Sons.

But maybe... maybe Chibs was really sorry. Maybe he really wanted to make things right. Juice didn't believe he could ever forgive him, but he did appreciate it if Chibs really tried to help them. He was curious about what the man had found.

However, once they arrived at the motel and rented a room there, he had no idea what to say to the man. Although there was a bar, Juice felt most comfortable in their room. Angel guarded the stairwell and Coco stood outside. It reassured Juice a little.

Raine lowered himself onto the bed and pushed his back against the wall. He looked exhausted. Juice sat down next to him. He still felt guilty about this morning. He couldn't remember that he'd pushed his friend aside so hard, nor that he had almost knocked him off his socks. The video they'd sent had made something snap.

What if Raine hadn't stopped me...

Had he barged into the clubhouse then? Would he have been dead in a few hours? Would it have been Raine who would have had to organize another funeral?

How on earth could I have done that to him?

He threaded his fingers through Raine's and looked aside hesitantly. "I'm sorry. About this afternoon. It was just..."

"It's okay." Raine gave a squeeze. "Skye and I... we're the only ones you have left. And you almost lost me twice already. It ended well. We're here together now and will end this once and for all."

Juice laid his head against Raine's shoulder. "I love you."

He felt Raine's lips on his head. "I love you too."

For a while they sat like that, silent, recovering from all the feelings they had gone through today. Juice thought he'd even dozed off when there was a knock on the door.

"Juice?" Chibs' voice.

In the past, a teasing comment would have followed. Whether they could put their cocks back in their trousers. The thought that their interactions would never be the same as before, even if they cleared their names, caused a heavy feeling in his chest.

"Yes. We're here." Juice stepped off the bed and rested his hand on the gun behind his waistband. Chibs' gun.

In case it did turn into a fight, Raine wasn't the only one who couldn't move around easily.

The door opened. It was Skye who entered first. She threw her arms around his neck and pressed herself firmly against him.

"I was so afraid they were going to do something to you. Thank God there is still one Son with a working brain." She let go of him and then dove on top of Raine, who had just tried to get up. "Finally I can give you a decent hug," she muttered. "Sasha and your sister miss you so much. If all goes well, your life will finally return to normal soon."

Juice kept his gaze on Chibs. The latter remained a little hesitantly beside the door.

"I saw you brought two Mayans with you," he said.

"Would you rather have seen your daughter tied up here on the bed?"

The sneer made Chibs sigh. "Not everyone agreed. But because of the situation with the IRA, everyone is tense."

"What a pathetic excuse." Juice clenched his fists. The urge to lash out at his former mentor was hard to suppress. Next to him, Raine also got to his feet. Juice stepped aside to grab a crutch * to help his boyfriend.

"What do you want from us?" Raine asked. "You said you suspect someone else?"

Chibs nodded slowly. "I spoke to Alvarez the night Juice shot me. He told me the Mayans had nothing to do with that robbery. That got me thinkin'. Especially when Clay brought in a deal with Cain right after that. Ye know, of those sonic weapons. He was one of the few who'd voted to cooperate at the time, so the robbery was no bad news for him. And knowin' that... it was also strange that he was so insistent that we should silence you. Unless you were determined to clear your name. Clay can barely turn on a computer, he has no idea what you can do on them and if ye can somehow expose him."

Juice let the words sink in. Would Clay really do such a thing? He was the president. If anyone had to put the club first, it was him.

But maybe that's exactly why he did it. Maybe, he really was convinced that those sonic weapons were the future of the Sons and pursue his own will this way. It was possible.

"What do you think?" asked Raine. "Do you see your pres capable of that?"

Juice grimaced. "He had you tortured and left for dead in the dump, without any decent evidence. He's capable of anything."

He thought of the time Clay had tried to force him to gain information from Raine. He'd wanted to use their relationship to benefit the club.

He could have done the same now. Attaching a tracker to his bike, making sure there were a couple of men with Mayan kuttes on the security camera... All he had to do was point at Raine, the others hadn't questioned him for a second.

If Ezra had not been at the dump that night, the truth would never have come to light.

He turned his gaze to Chibs. "Have you thought about how you want to expose him?"

"His phone records seem like an option to me. He will have contacted Cain."

Juice nodded slowly. "Then I need his phones. Private and burner."

. . .

A few more chapters, guys! We're getting to the end.

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