Chapter 7 - You Think I'm A Suspect?!

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I walk out of the locker room with my earbuds in, listening to music. I walk up the steps, ready to enter the gym so I can exit the building. We have two buildings, one is the main building with all our classes and this building is where the gym and locker room is at.

I'm ready to head to Lucifer's classroom when suddenly I feel someone take my earbuds out.

"Hey!" I yell and whip around to see who took them out.

I'm met by two people, a man and a woman. I glance at the man since he took my earbuds out. One look and you can tell he's a cop.

"Sorry, it's just that you didn't hear me calling for you." The man says.

"Can I have them back?" I ask.

"Oh right!" He hands them back to me and I place them in my pocket.

"What do the cops want with me?" I ask next, placing my hands in the pocket of my sweats.

The man looks at the girl before looking back at me. "We never said we were cops."

"It's pretty obvious. Your whole outfit just screams, 'Hi! I'm a cop!'"

He opens his mouth and then closes it. He stumbles over his words before looking at the girl as if asking, 'Is that true?'

She shrugs. "It's true. You dress like a cop, Dan."

He frowns and I hide my laugh behind my hand. The girl looks at me.

"I'm Detective Chloe Decker and this is Dan Espinoza. We would like to ask you a few questions back at the station." The girl, Chloe, says as she flashes her badge.

"Well, I kinda have practice in about an hour," I say.

"We already informed your coach about the situation," Dan mentions.

"Oh, alright," I say and gesture for them to lead the way.

'I hope Lucifer doesn't get too worried about me.'

They lead me to a police car. Chloe drives while Dan is in the passenger seat. I'm left in the back with a bar in front of me.

"I've never been in the back of a police car before... or actually been in one regardless," I speak up, breaking the silence.

"Well, hopefully you won't have to be in one again," Dan speaks up, glancing back at me for a quick second before looking back at the road.

I nod and it goes silent again which I kinda hate and it's making me nervous.

"This is about Nathan, isn't it?" I ask.

"Yes, but let's wait until we get to the station before we start talking about him," Dan says.

I look at Chloe since she's been silent this whole time. She looks like she's thinking, probably about the case though. She snaps out of her thoughts and glances back at me for a quick second, noticing how uncomfortable I am as I fiddle with my fingers.

"How about we put on some music?" She says and turns the radio on.

It makes me feel a little better and I give her a small smile as a thanks before looking out the window.

When we arrive at the station they let me out and we walk in, Dan on one side of me and Chloe on the other. Officers greet the two of them with smiles and give me a sympathetic look.

"Dan!" An officer calls to him.

"I gotta go do this, meet you in there as soon as I can," Dan says to Chloe.

My Teacher Is The Devil?! (Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now