Chapter 17 - I'm Your Angel

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I yawn and stretch as I step out of Lucifer's bedroom.

"Hey Lucifer, what's for brea—" I start, but quickly turn around as my face turns a bright red. "I'm so sorry."

Lucifer is in the middle of changing so he's completely naked behind me.

'Oh my god. He's completely naked behind me. Man, I should've at least gotten a little peek... shut up brain... but at the same time, a little peek wouldn't... ughhhh! Why am I having these thoughts?!'

"Not even a little peek, love."

"Lucifer just— just put some freakin' pants on!"

My face is probably as red as a tomato.

'I don't even know why I feel so embarrassed. Just yesterday we were about ready to have sex on his counter.'

Lucifer chuckles and I hear his footsteps walk closer to me. My breathing becomes unsteady.

'What the hell is he doing? Lucifer don't you dare—'

I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he brings my body up against his. I can feel him poking my back and my eyes widen.

"Lucifer!" I say trying to scold him, but it comes out just above a whisper in a timid manner.

In one swift motion, Lucifer has me pinned against the bed with him hovering above me. My eyes widen in shock and they slowly gaze down at his body. All I have to say is... it's a gift from God himself.

I lift my eyes up to meet his to see Lucifer staring at me with nothing but lust and desire. He leans down, his lips capturing mine. My hands scan his body as he goes to attack my neck, nibbling on it here and there.

"Lucifer." I moan.

He lifts himself up off of me so he can look at my face.

"Tell me, what do you truly desire, love?"

"You. I just want you."

Lucifer smirks and as quickly as he can, he takes all of my clothing off, leaving us both naked on the bed. Just as he's about to enter me...

I wake up in a start, hearing someone howling with laughter. I look around for a second, confused until I spot him. Lucifer bloody Morningstar leaning against his doorway, laughing his ass off.

I look away from him quickly and close my eyes, my face turning red from embarrassment.

"What—w-what are you doing in here?" I ask him, barely able to get my words out.

Lucifer calms himself down before answering.

"It's my room, love. We have to get ready for school, but I came in here and heard you having a very interesting dream."

"Oh my god!" I plop back onto the bed and grab a pillow, covering my face with it.

"I can make you do more things than just saying my name," Lucifer says darkly.

I choke on air, or what air I can get with the pillow on my face.

"Get out!" I yell.

'Oh God just kill me now, please. Save me from this embarrassment.'

Lucifer chuckles but I hear him walk away.

"Hurry now, love. Don't want to be late."

I take the pillow off my face and stare at the ceiling. I huff, deciding if I should get up or not, but eventually, I get up.

My Teacher Is The Devil?! (Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now