Chapter 21 - Checkmate

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Your POV

"Come on!" I whisper to myself.

My foot touches the piece of glass on the floor. I've been going at it for about an hour now and all I've done is push it back further by mistake, but now I finally managed to stretch myself out to get the tip of my foot to touch it.

"Yes! Now bring it back." I encourage myself.

Ever so slowly I slide my foot back, with the glass still underneath my shoe. I slide it back far enough for me to grab it. I turn my body around so I can pick up the piece of glass, then I turn back the way I was facing before.

'Now if only I can get this rope cut before Jimmy comes back in.' I sigh. 'Hurry up, Lucifer.'

Lucifer's POV

"I don't even want to know how you got this list," Linda states as she stares at it.

"That's too many warehouses for even the four of us to cover. How do you expect us to find (Y/n) in time?" Amenadiel asks.

I sigh and pull out my phone.

"Well, I was hoping not to get the detective involved considering she makes me vulnerable."

I scroll through my contacts until I find her name.

"But it'll help finding (Y/n) a lot faster."

I put the phone up to my ear as I wait for the person on the other end to answer.

"We'll start the list now. You can join us later." Maze says.

I nod just as the detective answers.

"Detective... I may have a little... problem."

I fill her in on what happened. I listen impatiently as she berates me for losing sight of (Y/n) and letting this happen.

"I was giving her some space, she was upset. Please, Detective, I need your help finding her."

She sighs and I know she's rolling her eyes like she always does when she's annoyed with me.

"Of course, I'll help you. Meet at your place in 10."


Just as I'm about to hang up something comes to mind.

"And it seems like I was right about James. Now, do I get to say 'I told you so' now or later?"

Your POV

"Fuck my life. Fuck this shit. Fuck everything. And most of all fuck you, Jimmy." I mutter.

I've managed to cut most of the rope, and my hand, multiple times.

'If I can manage to cut this before Jimmy gets back I should be good. Just a little more.'

I cut at the rope some more and it finally snaps.

"Yes!" I cheer to myself.

I wiggle the rope off of me and stand up.

"Thank you for your service," I say as I hold the glass up in front of me.

I place it on the ground and walk quickly towards the door in front of me. I'm about to open it when I hear Jimmy's voice.

"(Y/n)! Sweetheart! We need to talk!"

I quickly look around and hide behind some boxes that are lying around the place just as Jimmy opens the door. He closes it behind him and walks forward with his gun in his hand. His eyes are still on the ground so he doesn't notice I'm not there yet. He starts to pace right in front of where I would be at if I didn't escape. He taps the gun on his head as he paces.

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