Chapter 18 - Perfect

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"What's Lucifer's real name?" A kid in my class asks.

It's a normal day in religion class. Lucifer is talking about some rebellion that happened long ago when the question is asked.

This catches my attention and I look up from the doodles I'm making on my iPad.

"Yeah. He goes by so many other names, but does he have a real name? I mean, he has to, right? You even told us that Lucifer changed his name after being sent to Hell." Another kid pitches in.

Lucifer opens his mouth to object, but I cut in.

"Yeah, teach. What is Lucifer's real name?" I say with a knowing smirk.

Lucifer shoots me a look.

"Lucifer would not like to discuss his real name," Lucifer says.

'Is he really talking about himself in the third person?'

"How would you know what Lucifer wants?" I ask.

"Because he is Lucifer." A kid in my class says.

"Exactly!" Lucifer says and smiles wickedly at the student.

"You just gotta go with it, (Y/n)." The kid then whispers to me and shakes his head.

I roll my eyes.

'If only you knew.'

One of the girls raises her hand and pushes her glasses up her face.

"Well I just searched on Google and it says Lucifer's real name is Sa—"

The bell rings, cutting her off before she can finish. Lucifer claps his hands.

"Well. Looks like we're out of time, little urchins. Now go on, get out." Lucifer rushes them out.

Laughter can be heard from the students as they leave the classroom.

"Saved by the bell," I say as I walk up to Lucifer.

"Yes, that was rather close." He sighs.

I hum in agreement.

"Are you going to the dance tonight, love?" Lucifer asks.

"Yeah, I'm being forced to by my friends." I chuckle. "I know you have to follow me around but I don't have to go if you don't want to."

"No, no, I'm coming with you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, of course. I can never turn down a good dance and I get to be with you, my dear."

"The other teachers thought it would be a good idea for you to chaperone because you're the most popular teacher, didn't they?" I ask with a raised brow.

"Well, yes that too."

I chuckle. "I don't have a dress for tonight."

"Oh don't worry about that my dear. You can borrow Maze's."

"Remember the last time I borrowed one of Maze's dresses? If I borrow one of her dresses it can't be something that makes me look slutty. It has to be formal and actually cover most of my skin."

Lucifer rolls his eyes. "Fine."


"I'm glad you got a dress that covers my skin but did we have to match?" I ask Lucifer as we begin walking towards the gym with our arms linked together.

"I thought it would be nice. Do you not like it?" Lucifer asks, his smile dropping into a face full of concern as he turns his head to look at me.

"I don't mind it, it's just, what will the other students think?"

My Teacher Is The Devil?! (Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now