Chapter 14 - Guardian Devil

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"I can't believe they agreed to this!"

I cross my arms and pout like a child as I sit in the passenger seat of Lucifer's car. I hear Lucifer smirk and I see him look at me from the corner of my eyes before looking back to the road.

I gasp. "You used your Jedi trick on them!"

He chuckles. "No, no. I told them it's for the investigation."

"Wait, you told them that you work with—?"

"Yes. It didn't take much convincing." He cuts me off.

I stay silent and look out the window. Lucifer looks over and frowns before looking back at the road.

"Did I do something wrong, love?"

I sigh. "No. I don't know how to feel honestly."

He smirks. "Oh, I think this is going to be fun."

"Of course you do." I roll my eyes, a small smirk tugging at my lips.

Lucifer sees this and smiles, knowing he was the one that made me smile even though it was a small one.

About 10 minutes later we stop in front of a building named Lux. I heard about this place, it's a famous nightclub everyone always talks about.

"What are we doing at a nightclub? It's not even open and if you haven't noticed, I'm underage."

Lucifer chuckles. "I own this nightclub."

My jaw drops. "No way! You own the most famous nightclub in LA?!"

He nods. We get out of the car and walk towards the building. Lucifer opens the door to the building and I look around in awe as I take in my surroundings.

"You have a grand piano?!" I rush over to the piano in the middle of the club and run my fingers on it.

Lucifer smiles as he watches me walk around the empty club. He opens the elevator and upon hearing the ding I turn around to see him walking into the elevator.

I gasp. "There's more?!"

I run over to stand beside him just as the elevator doors close. Lucifer chuckles at my childish antics and wraps an arm around me. When the elevators open up again we're in a room high above the ground. I spot a grand piano in his penthouse and go over to it.

"You play?" Lucifer asks me.

"No. I wish I knew how to." I say as I run my fingers across the keys. "I'm guessing you do since you have one up here and in your club."

"I do." He walks over and sits down, gesturing me to sit on the bench next to him.

He starts playing the keys to a familiar song, 'I'm Your Angel'. He looks up at me to see if I recognize the song and I smile.

"I love this song," I say softly.

He smirks and then slowly takes my hands, which sends butterflies to my stomach, and starts playing the keys for me. I pick it up very quickly but after a while, I get bored and go on the couch, pull my Nintendo Switch out and start playing it while Lucifer keeps playing on the piano.

"You pay more attention to that device than you do to me, darling," Lucifer says after three hours of me sitting in the same spot still playing on my switch.

I chuckle, still not looking up at him. "Too bad." Lucifer rolls his eyes and snatches the device from my hands. "Hey!"

"Get dressed, you can't go to a club wearing that my dear."

My Teacher Is The Devil?! (Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now