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Isabella had a strong desire to attend the town fair.

It was a yearly event. Scarlett viewed the event as a wonderful time.

Isabella wished to go every year, but her parents would not allow her to go. Isabella does not need to be seen outside of school.

She gathered her belongings before leaving the house.

Work called, but only in the evenings.

The diner was never the most popular hangout for the locals. People would come in to reminisce about old days because the diner had been there for so long.

It was a hazy recollection.

She, on the other hand, worked tirelessly to keep the diner open. Convincing the owner to keep the business open despite his threats to "close the damn place now."

As she wiped down a table, she sighed. When she noticed the time on the clock, she yawned.

11:16 p.m.

Sleep, as much as she yearned for it, was unquestionably her adversary. She cried, quivered, and screamed while sleeping. Every night, her nightmares kept her awake.

She was terrified of falling asleep.

But it no longer mattered. It still managed to overpower her, and she fell into a trance-like slumber, sleeping for an hour or two before waking up in a sweat and forcing herself to stay awake.

She jumped as she heard the bell chime, indicating that another customer had arrived.

The chatter that came in, on the other hand, suggested that it was a group of people rather than a single person.

She lifted her head and froze, taking in the scene around her.


Why are they here at 11:30 p.m.?

Fear washed over her with a sharp inhale of breath.

These were not the kids who were oblivious to her existence.


They were the ones who made her feel bad about herself. The same as her family.

She walked around the counter, her hair shielding her face, realising she'd have to serve them.

It was getting close to closing time, and she was the only server left.

Walking up to them, she was scared and her legs moved slowly.

"Hi. What can I get you at Dolores' Diner?" Josh Brodie listed off what they'd have without looking at her.

"A flip flop and a toothpick, Bryce would like a large wa-watermelon. A complete watermelon. Oh, and how about an.. what about a hair tie?." He intends to explain how giving birth can harm a woman's sacred hole. he stammered, his words stumbling.

Her brow furrowed as she inhaled the pungent odour that had followed them in.

They stank of alcohol.

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