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Draco inhaled sharply, a wary expression on his face as he looked over at Isabella.

"Is it everything you hoped for?" She looked around in awe, recalling every detail of the location.

Her gaze darted all over the place. There's something for everyone, from the merry-go-round to the cotton candy stand to the main attraction, the iconic ferris wheel.

She couldn't think of anything to say. She'd arrived at the town fair.

Draco was watching her expression, hoping to see an excited smile. He waited for her to squeal and dash around the park, wanting to try every ride.

Instead, he saw her eyes well up with tears. This was not meant to happen.

"Wait, what the fuck?" She flung herself into his arms, choking on a laugh and attempting to suffocate him.

"Thank you so much!" she exclaimed with delight.

He manoeuvred to keep her steady before she landed face first on the ground, slightly laughing.

When she looked at him, her eyes glowed.

"How did you persuade my parents?" Her voice was quiet and inquisitive, as if she didn't want to know the answer but also needed to know it.

A day prior

He hesitantly knocked on the door. He snapped his eyes open and took a deep breath, shaking his head furiously. The nervousness had been replaced by a confident demeanour, making him appear more intimidating and authoritative.

What better way to introduce yourself to the Andersons?

To calm himself down, he inhaled sharply before exhaling as footsteps approached the door. Strangely, his palms were sweating, and he swore sweat would be dripping off his brow any minute.

Fuck. What was the cause of the extreme heat in Florida?

When he heard the door unlatch, he shifted from one foot to the other to balance some weight. It's best not to fidget in front of people you want to impress.

Logan Anderson stood there with a picture-perfect smile when the door finally opened after what seemed like an eternity. She was prepared to play the stereotypical mother. Beautiful, astute, and considerate.

He wasn't sure if 'kind' was the right word for her. He figured he'd figure it out as he went.

He entered their home, a dazzling smile flashing across her subtly puzzled face, as she motioned for him to make himself at home. He paused for a moment as he entered the large foyer. Admiring each decoration and analysing what could be improved.

He'd always had a thing for interior design.

"Please." said Mrs. Anderson.

"Please take a seat, Draco." He wasn't surprised that they recognised him; his face was well known around town.

In addition, his last name had a lot of baggage. To the rest of the world, that baggage was a large sum of money.

That baggage, however, was a collection of past nightmares for the Malfoys.

He nodded in her direction and carefully sat in the single chair across from the fire place. The chair was dripping with power. It demanded to be noticed. And Draco had a feeling it was Mr. Anderson who sat in that chair on a regular basis.

What better way to deprive them of their alleged power than to demonstrate how easily he could deprive them of it?

Waiting patiently, Draco pulled out his phone and read Isabella's most recent text.

We meet in words |  Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now