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Isabella had the impression that Death was only an inch away from her. Every time she tried to welcome it, Death pushed her away.

Isabella Anderson was a burden that not even Death desired.

Isabella felt all the fight drain from her body as her father kicked her in the stomach again before walking away.

She'd had enough of trying to hang on. She was tired and ashamed of herself for being such a shambles.

Isabella hoisted herself up using the curved rail of the staircase as support. She muffled a whimper as the skin on her back rolled, fresh whip marks leaving their trail. She limped over to put her shoes on before trudging out of the house, taking a deep breath.

The stars were dull, but Isabella suspected it was due to her hazy vision. She was aware that she wasn't walking straight. Someone would mistake her for a drunk with her limp and throbbing in her head.

She wobbled as she took another step forwards. Her legs felt like jello, and she knew she was going to pass out. Isabella paused to catch her breath, leaning against a nearby tree for support. She pushed herself off the tree once she felt a little more stable than before and resumed her walk. She had no idea where she was going.

Wherever the path took her.

She was struggling to keep her body steady, and she didn't have the energy to care for herself at the time. Isabella felt her body give way as she took another step forwards. She collapsed and let out a strangled scream.

She needed help.

Isabella stayed where she was because she was too weak to get up. She tried to massage the pain flitting across her ribs with her sore arms.

She knew she wouldn't be able to stay awake for long. The blackness was hovering right next to her. She tried to push it away, but it wouldn't budge, as if it was waiting to strike.

A drop of water trickled down her chin. Then there was another. And yet another.

Was it raining outside?

But she didn't feel any water anywhere else.


They began to obstruct her already poor vision, making everything ten times more blurry. She rubbed her eyes furiously in an attempt to stop them, but they kept building up and edging away.

Isabella gave up and let them come.

She laid on the sidewalk, an unbearable pain in her abdomen, uneven breathing, and tears streaming down her cheeks.

She could feel herself slipping away. She almost tuned out the voice that broke through the silence as she struggled to keep her eyes open.

Isabella pushed all of her energy into getting up, realising she couldn't just stop her life in the middle of the sidewalk. She staggered, and she would've fallen face first if Draco's large frame hadn't supported her smaller one.

"What are you doing here, Isabella?" he mumbled.

She would've been weak in the knees if it hadn't been for her already woozy state and the way her name came out of his mouth.

She mumbled, but he couldn't understand a word. She was about to pass out after repeatedly letting her head fall against his chest.

Draco, on the other hand, had other plans and eventually circled his arms around her back and legs, picking her up bridal style. To keep her balance, she wrapped her arms around his neck before cuddling closer to his body.

We meet in words |  Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now