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Isabella groaned in annoyance as the sun's blinding light struck her square in the face. She sighed as she sat up and looked around the cluttered room with clothes strewn about.

Ruby was clearly in a hurry.

She chuckled to herself as she took her phone off the charger, her eyes widening as she noticed the time. It was 10:05 a.m., and she had just remembered that she and Draco were supposed to meet for her'second lesson' at 9 a.m.

She'd been waiting for him for an hour with no missed calls, voicemails, or texts to remind her. She had a feeling he didn't care if she was there, so that had to be it. But she was looking forwards to seeing him again.

She inhaled through her nose and exhaled through her mouth, her lips pursed. She was debating whether or not to invite him over. Ruby would most likely be fine with it, and Isabella would have someone to spend the day with while attempting to keep the little kid in the room over under cover.

She dialled his number and waited for him to answer. She waited, and she waited, and she waited. During all of her free time, she managed to talk herself out of doing what she was already about to do. He answered the phone just as she was about to hang up.

"Oh no, take as much time as you need." a playful voice said.

She couldn't speak because she was frozen in shock. Was anyone ever on her side, or did God just want to see her face when she came up with the stupidest idea she'd ever had?

"Isabella?" She shook her head, shaking off her shock and embarrassment.

"Um, Draco." she said, nervously laughing.

"Yeah?" he said, drawing out the last letter of the word.

"Uh yeah, I forgot.. actually, I just woke up and remembered." she began awkwardly.

"Would you like to come over? I'm not at home; I'm at a friend's, where I'll be babysitting her son for the day." The silence that followed only made the situation more nerve-racking as she tried to keep her cheeks from heating up.

He was taking his time making a decision, which only added to her remorse.

"Yeah." She blinked, surprised.


"Yeah." he agreed.

"What's the harm?" She exhaled a sigh of relief.

She bit her lower lip and looked out the window across the room, a smile spreading across her face.

"Alright." she said, a little too cheerfully.

"The address is 527 St. Amber's Ave."

"That's right. I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, see you soon." she said before hanging up the phone.

Draco was coming over.

The thought had finally registered in her mind, and she realised how bad she looked considering she had only just awoken. She yanked the covers off her and dashed around the house trying to look presentable.

She quickly brushed her teeth and changed into a pair of leggings and a large shirt she found in Ruby's closet before rushing out of the room. She was rushing to wake Riley up, but she couldn't find him in his room.

"Riley?" she called out, hoping he was nearby.

"Riley!" she practically screamed as she dashed into the living room.

We meet in words |  Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now