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Isabella had a lot on her mind, and frankly, it was giving her a headache.

"You've to end it." She raised her head slightly from her seat on the couch and cast a puzzled look at Ruby.

"What exactly do you mean?"

"From what I've heard, Isabella." she sighed, giving the small girl a guilty look.

"Are either of you happy?" Isabella found herself slightly shaking her head while biting her lip.

Her heart sank as she realised what she had done. Draco was the best thing that could have happened to her. He provided her with a friend and a reason to live. He also showed her love. She was so thankful for him.. for always being there for her. He showed her that life wasn't always so monotonous, dull, and cruel. You're bound to meet someone.

And perhaps she didn't need him any longer.

Because she had recovered. She didn't need to rely on anyone else. She was happy with herself. She didn't want to rely on anyone else. She wished to be self-sufficient.

"I think that's a good enough answer." Ruby said after awhile.

Her voice was gentle but firm, and she gave Isabella the clear decision she needed to make.

Isabella found herself blinking quickly in order to keep her tears at bay.

"I don't want to give him up yet." she croaked out abruptly, her throat dry.

Her hands discovered the necklace Draco had given her around her neck. It was holding a small pendant that meant a lot to Isabella. It was a small sword instead of the usual jewel.

You always have a weapon to fight with.

His words rang in her head, and she knew she would love him for the rest of her life. And even if she did find someone else, she knew Draco would always have a place in her heart. It was impossible to forget the boy who had restored her faith.

Ruby's presence washed over her as she sat on the couch. Her hand came into contact with Isabella's, and she rubbed her thumb against the scars on Isabella's wrist. The flashbacks to when Isabella was at her lowest point in her life. Isabella, on the other hand, was no longer disgusted by the jagged and raised skin. When she saw them, she smiled because she knew she didn't want to do it again. To cause herself pain.

"I know you were able to heal Isabella. Draco was a huge help to you. But he hasn't fully recovered. Don't think you didn't try to help him because I believe you did everything you could. His mother's death, on the other hand, set him back a few steps, and he lost some of his progress. And he needs to heal once more. This time, I believe he should do it himself. You found yourself ." Ruby smiled encouragingly before continuing,

"Now he has to figure out who he is." Isabella nodded her head, ignoring the tears that streamed down her cheeks at the motion.

"I'm so in love with him, Ruby." she cried quietly, admitting her feelings.

Ruby took Isabella into her arms and kissed her hair, soothing the crying girl's emotions as much as she could.

"I know you do, babe, I know you do." she softly sighed.

"You two are one of the most pure couples I've ever met, but love doesn't always equate to happiness. Most of the time, it causes more pain than anything else, and this happens when you guys have unresolved issues. You swept it under the carpet, and now it's time to confront them."

"What would I do if I didn't have you?" Isabella mumbled as a small laugh bubbled up inside her.

Ruby shook her head, lightly flicking Isabella's brow.

We meet in words |  Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now