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Annabelle was back at school bright and early, only hoping her teacher was there as well. He had to be present early, it was only rational for Mr. Olen to be there, he always was, but then again yesterday he hadn't stayed late as always. It wouldn't be the first, nor the last, time she would be disappointed even if it weren't personal. She wouldn't pity herself, there was nothing wrong with her life.

She once again stood outside Mr. Olen's classroom door and twists the doorknob, a sense of excitement when it twists all around. She opens it and is instantly covered by darkness, it would only make sense it would if she knew he wasn't here before, but it was quite obvious he was.

The door was open, so that very much well-meant someone had been in the room before she had and were either not coming back or they were. She decided it would be best to wait as it was freezing outside and unfortunately she didn't want to stay inside the building. Annabelle's hands quickly tried to make their way to the light switch, and she was about to freak out when she hadn't found it, but luckily it was there. When the lights came to life, Annabelle was alarmed seeing a figure sitting on a chair.

It was Mr. Olen!

Annabelle had no idea as to what to do, it wasn't every day you found your teacher sleeping on a chair an hour before school started. Or at least she hoped it wasn't normal. She nearly had a great fright at the sight and she could feel, and hear, her heart thumping. Annabelle had the choice to either walk out of there and pretend she hadn't seen a thing or she could do something. She really needed to take that test and she didn't want to do it later.

She took steady steps towards Mr. Olen as if not wanting them to wake him but herself. She was just a foot away from him, his cologne strong, and his head rested against the tabletop. She doesn't know why, but Annabelle wanted to just leave him there to rest in peace, yet she knew what she had to do.

"Mr. Olen?" Tap. He stirs without response. "Hello? Mr. Olen, wake up." She taps him again and once more, on the last tap his eyes open just a slit. "It's Annabelle."

Olen sat up almost instantly when he heard the voice of a girl, he didn't know if it had been a dream or not but he was startled and shaken up. Annabelle, seeing her teacher's reaction, placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Mr. Olen, are you alright? Should I get someone?" Annabelle asked desperately.

Olen finally looked up at his student and nodded. "I'm fine, just shocked is all."

Annabelle recoiled her hand back and replied an okay to him. Olen now knew who the voice from his dream was and of course it was Annabelle, his dream had been intense when he dreamt of losing everyone.

Olen stood up and fixed his regular suit trying to rid it of any wrinkles. He had just ironed it before leaving home that morning. He turned to Annabelle and stared deeply into her brown eyes only for her to look down. Those pretty brown eyes he had seen on so many people before.

He cleared his throat before asking, "is there anything I can do for you, Annabelle? Surely you didn't wake up to see the drool on my face."

This made her laugh and Olen couldn't help but feel proud at making his student laugh. Sure, he did that plenty times a day of course, but this was something different than making all twenty-eight students in that period laugh. Annabelle was a good student who never gave him any bad hardships nor did she have bad grades, not the best, but average grades.

"I think you still have some there..." Annabelle teased pointing near his lip.

Olen actually believed her and wiped at his with his sleeve. Annabelle laughed at his reaction and places a hand on her stomach after a small ache passes her. She'd been getting them lately, but mostly when she laughed.

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