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"So Chris, huh?" Allen asked his daughter as they took a seat at a dining table.

Annabelle blushed and nodded her head at her father. He had come to visit them, but Austin and Arthur were still having an after party for their championship winning. It had been an exciting moment for all of them and it became even better when Chris and Austin hugged out their differences in front of the whole school. Everyone had cheered at their indestructible friendship and they laughed as they saw the many people who had congratulated them. News spread quick it seemed.

"Then he must take very good care of my little princess. Is that why everybody cheered when Austin and Chris hugged? Had your brother been angry at him?" he asked her suspiciously.

Annabelle nodded and sighed. "He had been angry with the both of us but we had made up beforehand and they hadn't. Everyone witnessed the incident and that's why they had cheered I'm guessing."

He only stared at his daughter and smiled. She had grown up and had finally gone to her first official date. Soon she'd be married and off with children. He just hoped she would know the consequences of a relationship, but he was sure she did as she'd always been mature. She had really taken in her mother's footsteps and he was glad. Austin was his priority, although.

"Is Austin doing better?"

Annabelle shook her head and held a disappointed look on her face. Austin, although he cared for his father, resented Allen with a passion. If he would've walked off on their family for an issue which involved their mother he would've understood. However, their father left them for another woman when she was merely five, however, he finally left them for good when his second mistress became impregnated five years ago. Allen hoped his children would never follow in his footsteps which involved an affair. They would destroy their lives, their families.

"You know how Austin is, stubborn as, well, as you. He loves to complicate everything but not to be complicated. He'll warm up to you, you just know how he is."

"Good thing my princess isn't stubborn. I'll still have to talk with Chris, can't trust him with my little princess even if I've known him since he was younger," Allen told his daughter strictly.

Annabelle nodded and they continued to enjoy their time together. It wasn't every day they had time to be together. In fact, it happened once a month and they had to enjoy as much as they could. Allen was very protective of his children, but mainly Annabelle as she was his only girl.

They received their meals and ate happily together. Their day was filled with jokes and laughter. Annabelle hadn't remembered the amount of fun her father was and was glad he hadn't changed. He had asked her to come to his home to spend time with Andrew. She had denied only because Olen had asked her if she had time to look after Matthew for a few hours while he and his wife went present hunting as he said it. She agreed of course.

It had been merely two days after the incident which involved Sonia, her brother, Angel, Olen and herself. Sonia had been frowned upon by many of the staff and declared that Olen had asked for their permission. Austin had been called up as well to testify that he had seen Matthew, he agreed and argued that Sonia had always had it out for his sister. She was given a detention but Olen had added what he heard when walking into the classroom. That gave Sonia a week's suspension from Olen's class which relaxed the small group. Annabelle would have no problems with her in class as that was their only shared subject and class.

Annabelle had been asked if Olen had made her do anything against her will and she denied immediately. She had told the school officer and principal that Olen had simply gone to dinner with his wife while she looked over their son, nothing else. Their parents weren't called, Annabelle had asked them not to, and then they were all dismissed. Sonia was asked to stay in the office, but the rest had been dismissed, clarifying that the other students would be questioned afterwards.

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