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"Honestly, we should be asleep already, if Austin wakes up and notices you're not asleep or me either, he will kill us, especially if he sees us together."

"Don't worry. We're fine, I just wanted to do something that I've been meaning to do."

Annabelle bit her lip before releasing it and pressed her lips instantly on Chris'. He is shocked by her actions and didn't act right away, but when Annabelle suddenly started to pull away after feeling a little neglected by Chris, she was stopped as he placed a hand on the back of her head and joined their lips once more as well with more passion. Sure it hadn't been their first kiss, yet the feeling they felt with one another was different than those other kisses.

They broke apart seconds later and smiled at one another shyly. Annabelle's gaze found its way to Chris' bright green eyes and she knew instantly that he was someone she did not want to ever let go of, not in her lifetime. Chris felt the exact same way and he knew he'd have to fight to keep Annabelle at his side, many wished a girl like her would set her eyes on them and it would be a struggle, yet a struggle worth his while.

"I really think we should head back inside, Austin would kill me if he found out I wasn't sleeping on the couch anymore," Chris told Annabelle giving off a nervous look.

"I was the one who dragged you out, I'd totally have all the blame here. But you're right, we have school tomorrow and who knows what will happen next."

"You know, you could paint me something, it's been a while since you've done that, so I would actually like it," Chris said hopefully.

Annabelle laughed a little and asked, "are you going to ask me to paint you a pony again?"

"No! Don't bring that up, I had an obsession with them and there was nothing wrong with it when I was younger."

"Uh, you were twelve..." Annabelle added hiding her laughter.

Instead of continuing, Chris pressed his lips on Annabelle, and they kissed for a while longer before they returned to the house and to their bed and couch before anyone found them. That night in her sleep, Annabelle couldn't deny that she dreamt with Chris, a pleasant dream that was hers to keep.

When they awoke, Julia made sure to call them all down for a random prayer. They weren't religious in any way, but the occasional prayer made them feel safe somehow, yet they wouldn't devote themselves to any religion as it was too much to handle. They ate a small snack before rushing to get changed and collect all of their items necessary for school. Chris drove them all to school in the most safest possible way when there were many rushing cars, he was glad to have learned to never rush and lose his life.

"Ah, fresh old school I see, I wonder if anything's changed," Arthur said as he made a face that looked as if he were thinking.

Annabelle agreed and Austin called them idiotic for thinking their school had actually changed between a two-week period, and although Chris hadn't agreed out loud, he had thought the same things. Annabelle was smart in many ways, but she seemed to lack logical sense at times. No one's grades were great, but they tried their best to keep them at a letter above a D at all times. Sometimes even a C. Well, Austin, Arthur, and Chris all had to keep their grades above a D if they wished to continue their positions in soccer even if soccer season was over already.

All four exit Chris' car when he parked and most of them greeted friends and acquaintances on their way inside the building. Annabelle grabbed Chris's hand and he smiled at her as he intertwined their fingers together. They walked slightly behind Austin and Arthur, but hey would occasionally turn to them and smile. Arthur had been more accepting of the relationship rather than Austin, but it didn't mean he wasn't protective of her.

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