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"My stomach's killing me, oh, it really hurts," Annabelle groaned when her stomach passed through another sudden ache.

"Mine hurts worse, I have spent half the day on the toilet, no way will my evening go to waste in there," Arthur said pressing a hand tightly against his stomach. "Mum, please hurry."

"She said she'd be back, Arthur, she's not here at the moment so please stop with the nagging. How is it that only you two are the ones with stomach aches, you both are lying, aren't you?" Austin asked huffing in annoyance. "I missed work because of you two so if either one is lying then murdering you will be a piece of pie."

Arthur looked over at him and squinted his eyes in pain. "I honestly feel so much pain, do I have a fever? I feel a fever coming on, Austin, my head hurts, Annabelle, I'm going to die."

Annabelle simply rolled her eyes at him and took a deep breath. The pain she felt rested below her belly button and she thought Arthur must have been feeling the same pains as they had eaten similar dishes. A sudden thump caught hers and Austin's attention to where Arthur sat only for them to gasp and rush to the sight of their fallen brother.

"Arthur, wake up, wake up. Annabelle, get the alcohol!"

Annabelle rushed to find the alcohol while Austin tried to get a response from his brother, he shook him, slapped him lightly, and spoke to him hoping to gain a response in return with no avail. Their house phone rang and Austin decided against answering when he realized leaving Arthur alone could mean bad news. He could hear his sister opening doors and running just above him, she slammed doors while screaming words of frustration when leaving each room.

"I can't find it!" she screamed down the stairs.

Austin cursed under his breath and responded back with, "you come down with Arthur, I'll look for it!"

He hadn't even stood up when Arthur opened his eyes and looked around quite confused as to why the floor had been his choice of comfort. Confusion was the only emotion he felt, a tad bit of pain. Austin helped him sit up and pushed his back against the bottom of the couch for back comfort.

"Arthur, are you okay, did you hit your head hard? He's awake! Call mom!"

Arthur had no recollection of what had caused the fainting, the back of his head ached and he knew taking a nap on the floor was not an option he had thought about. His body filled with chills and a single tear rolled down his left eye.

"Uh, how are you feeling, man?

Annabelle ran down the stairs with her phone pressed against her right ear as she spoke with her frantic mother who only wanted to know that Arthur was fine. Austin took the phone from his sister and decided to calm his mother down to prevent any further incidents to occur.

"Mom, he's fine, I'm sure he didn't hit his head too hard...Annabelle, are you feeling dizzy as well, or not just yet?"

"Only my stomach hurts, I don't feel dizzy whatsoever, maybe Arthur's dehydrated because he hasn't even drank anything since we came home," she stated placing the back of her hand against his cheek. "He hasn't got a fever, I believe, so it honestly could not be that."

"Can you please get me a glass of water?" Arthur asked suddenly.

Without a response, Austin walked to the kitchen, still on the phone with his mom, while the twins stayed together in the living room. Arthur's sudden passing out had them all worried about his health, both physically and emotionally seeing as he shed a tear. Arthur was very emotional and would often shut the world off when a tragedy struck close to home, nobody would blame him, he was very guilt-stricken with various occasions.

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