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If there was one thing that always wandered about in Annabelle's mind, it would have to be confusion. She, constantly, overthought even the smallest of situations and turned them much more difficult in her mind than she had to. Olen's message had her thinking up various situations in her mind and she decided to put her phone down before anything else took over her, they were both on the same boat, the same sinking boat. She finally understood how so many men, and women alike, were able to dissolve a marriage simply by speaking to certain people, she could feel her relationship with Chris break slowly each time Olen crossed her mind.

Olen didn't know how to keep the girl away, she was his student and simply avoiding her wouldn't do if seeing each other was a daily thing. The year would be ending soon and he didn't think it wise having her transferred if there was not an issue to uphold, although the past scandals would have been a great excuse before Sonia was removed. If only he would have though, the both of them could've had a smooth year, yet he did not want to let go of her, she was more to him than most people.

'What do you mean?' Annabelle sent back to Olen.

She saw him react to the phone buzzing, saw him read the message yet she did not receive anything back. She received an odd feeling of abandonment. Surely Olen hadn't been avoiding her purposely at first, however his behavior had confirmed what she wished hadn't been; someone else knew. Someone else knew that she and Olen had experienced moments of lust, short moments indeed, yet powerful ones at their best. If she pushed him she would surely be pushed away so Annabelle did what most women do in times like these, she faded from the spotlight, the one that shone so brightly since her beginning, dating the schools soccer team co-captain, sister to very well respected students, getting caught in the middle of turbulence with another student, said student hurting her physically, and then whatever Olen was dealing with.

Annabelle leaned back in her seat and spent the remaining time in silence, she didn't want to be involved with anything containing Olen, she just wanted to be free of thoughts, it's what everyone wished for. Peace and silence. Annabelle had always been very simple, when not in the view of others, she would do many of the various routines a girl has, such as; slacking, chewing loudly, speaking loudly, spending money, annoying others, avoiding chores, putting off tasks, although most are various routines for everyone. As a teenager, she understood that it was most plausible to fall into temptation, something that could lead to gossip and trouble.

For the remainder of the class, Annabelle sat quietly to herself, only paying slight attention when Olen would address the students, however she tried to seem less interested than she actually was. If she should have been paying attention to anyone it would have to be Chris, he was her significant other, the one guy that seemingly swept her off her feet at last, there was no doubt that he had a way with words and that was what she loved most of him. Any guy that could simply spend a whole day talking with the one person that made his heart ache with love was worth much more than the world.

The class passed agonizingly slowly for Annabelle and Olen alike, both were thinking without boundaries throughout the class and their minds clouded with the thought of one another. Annabelle had to see him twice in that day and she left the classroom as soon as the bell run, there was no need for her to stick around longer than anyone had to. Her mind was clouded with thoughts of him and Chris, she would see Chris if she took the same route as always, so she did what would be best for the both of them, or what she believes was for the both of them. Following another route, Annabelle tried to ignore the want for her boyfriend, the one guy who she could rely on when a clear mind was needed.


The sudden calling of her name got Annabelle to turn and see Caroline walking her way with a distinct look on her face, almost worrisome. "Turn around and keep walking," she whispered nearing Annabelle.

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