Chapter 9 (✓)

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My heart stopped. I opened and closed my mouth, trying to form the words that disintegrated on my tongue.

I always had retorts. Even in situations where I couldn't utter them -- not without breaking my mother's code -- they were always rattling around my mind, a secret arsenal of which I could never access.

But for this, I was utterly speechless. No words came to me, no witty repartee's that sounded smarter in my head than they would aloud. My mind was blank. Completely, utter blank.

There was no other option: I was going insane. I had to be. 

Reading my face, the black-haired Alpha shook his head. "I understand your shock, dear, but please do not fear us. I know Zion may have seemed threatening there, but he's usually quite cooperative--"

"Afraid?" I squeaked, pulling against my bonds. "How can I not be afraid when I'm chained to a bed? When I was just attacked? When I'm away from anything familiar? How can I not be afraid!"

My breaths were ragged, and the male regarded me with something close to pity. I knew I shouldn't be speaking so brashly, but every bit of common sense had abandoned me. Primitive instinct was kicking in, and right now, I needed to run. 

It was the grey she-wolf who spoke up. "Those bonds are made of silver. They're to stop you from turning and attacking us."

I paused my struggling, aghast. "'Turning'?"

She gave me a look that implied I was stupid, if a wolf could even give such a look. "...into a wolf."

"I'm not a werewolf!" I cried. "I'm a human girl. I want to go home."

"How can you still believe that?" Zion piped up. Azriel looked shot him another warning look but the male persisted anyway. "Do you forget what happened last night? Do you not recall running on all fours? The agony of turning? Your heightened senses? Do you not recall any of it?"

I hesitated. Yes, I did remember it, but--

"I hate to tell it to you this way," Azriel cut in with a sigh, fixing his green-eyed subordinate a dangerous glare. "But it seems some of us have no regards for courtesy." He levelled his gaze with me and, in that moment, I felt compelled to believe whatever words would next leave his mouth.

Until they did.

"Kyra, your life as a human has come to an end." He paused, eyes sad. "You're one of us."

I opened my mouth to retort, but it seemed the auburn-haired man beat me to it. "Like hell she is!" he snapped. Azriel shot him a withering look and, to his credit, he withheld. However, it seemed it was enough for him to check his tone, for he continued in a lighter voice, "Deepest apologies, my lord, but she is not 'one of us'. We cannot allow an Epsilon among our ranks. Not here, not anywhere. It would create monumental tension between us and the other territories, something that was bad to begin with. And what if another pack gets hold of her?" He paused, voice dropping to a near-whisper. "What if she creates Upsilons?"

A tense silence settled over the room, but it seemed I was years behind whatever page they were on. I was still staring at the grey she-wolf, trying to fathom the impossible explanation as to how she spoke, as to how she even existed. Those strange terms only added to my dizzying confusion. 

"She will be under protection, Zion," Azriel said slowly. "She remains with us. No one will put their hands on her. I'll make sure of that."

He gave his subordinate a pointed look before turning to me. The hairs on my neck rose, even as he gave me a small smile, sapphire eyes twinkling. "In addition, I believe she will find great comfort here. She has power. She has a gift." He paused. "I will place her among my high court, if she accepts."

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