Chapter 49

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I woke up to the sound of birds chirping out my window. Soft clinks of metal against metal told me that the court was stirring, and from the limited light filtering through my gossamer curtains, I knew it must have been early morning.

I propped myself upon my elbows, my body sinking into the plushness of my mattress. I gazed outside to where the sun was glazing the horizon, its gentle rays tickling my face as they seared above the trees into the amber sky. 

Today was the first day of Spring, and about more than a month since that horrible incident at Moonfall. Grief still plagued the court, and that fog of fear remained -- the possibility that the enemy still lurked in this court; though that worry had faded over time. Even the weight of the tragedy had certainly lifted -- if only a little. It used to be a heavy, gray cloud. Now, it was nothing more than a light mist.

Springing out of bed, I threw on my jeans and a white tee-shirt, tucking my Pelta around my shoulders. I looked at its blue material, savoring the way the silver gleamed in the light, and something in my heart twisted. I wouldn't be wearing this Pelta much longer. I was Azriel's mate, and that meant I would be the pack's next Luna.

I glanced towards the black Pelta, which was neatly hung up on a hook. The prospect of standing by my mate's side excited me as much as it scared me. I had only turned into a Werewolf three months ago, and now I would be standing at their Head. People who had once hated me would look up to me now, and that in itself was unnerving. 

I looked away, staring at my feet with a small smile. But none of that would matter -- so long as I had Azriel's hand in mine. Without another thought, I made my way out the door and down the halls.

A few people greeted me along the way, their warm smiles and kind eyes still forcing me to do double-takes, even after enduring almost a month of it. I knew it was because word had spread about Azriel and me. I looked down at my feet, cheeks flaming. It seemed not all of our stolen kisses or heated moments had gone unnoticed. Azriel had warned me that eyes lingered around every corner, and I hadn't believed him until everyone's attitude towards me changed.

I gazed at my feet again. But that's all we could afford at this rate -- stolen kisses in the hallways and brief sweet-nothings. After the Moonfall attack, Azriel had been on-edge, going to his office to sort out errands as tension grew. I knew he was working so hard with my safety in mind, and for that I was grateful; if it meant me being able to touch him, feel him, hear his voice, then I didn't mind, even if our interactions were only brief.

I frowned. But something in me ached for more. I wanted to spend more time with him, do more things together, but I knew with the tensions that it simply wasn't possible. 

Before I knew it, I was at the entrance to the dining hall. Keeping my head high I walked over to the table of Thetas.

Many of their gazes snapped to me immediately, their eyes lighting up with excitement. People pushed others aside, yelling for me to sit beside them in eager voices. This had been happening ever since the tragic accident, and I still wasn't used to this kind of treatment; everyone seemed to love me now.

Well, aside from Azure. She didn't so much as look at me, let alone acknowledge me. I guess I was fine with that; so long as she wasn't sending me hateful remarks, I was fine. Still, it made me wonder why she hated me so much, even after everything.

Even after we'd fought back-to-back.

As I took a seat next to a pair of eager Thetas, they closed in on my space, giving me puppy-eyes as questions tumbled from their mouths. 

"How are you, Lady Kyra?" one asked. I started, hiding my shock with a smile. That was another thing -- they'd started to refer to me as 'Lady'. I supposed it was because they knew I was their to-be Luna.

"I'm great, thanks, Bella," I replied politely. 

"Are you going to training today?" The one at my left asked, his eyes wide and eager. I shook my head.

"Not today -- sorry, guys."

A harmony of groans escaped the lips beside me -- even from those who weren't a part of the conversation. I could understand why; Zion had started training me with my emotional magic, meaning I no longer had to sit in with the Theta's classes. Using my emotional magic was easier than I thought, and I had no idea I could use it at will, and though it took ages to master, the results were worth it. Sure, the magic was nowhere near as strong as if I were angry or frightened, but it was still pretty powerful all the same. Sometimes, I took the liberty out of my day to duel with Zion in front of al the Thetas. I saw the way their eyes brightened with awe as I dueled against their beta, giving him a run for his money. In all honesty, we only did it to humor the others, because there was nothing really to teach me other than how to control my emotions. In our private lessons together, we would work on making my Lunar Magic stronger, but even that was hitting the ceiling now. 

I smiled. But there was only one reason I wanted to master emotional magic, and one reason only. I wanted to restore Alia's memory, something that could only be done with good emotional control. I didn't quite know how I'd do it, but Azriel promised he'd guide me through the mate bond. 

My heart did a flip-flop at the word. Mate-bond. It still sounded so foreign to my ears. Azriel -- leader of the Southern Court and strongest wolf of the South -- was my mate.

"Kyra's so cool!" I heard someone say, the mention of my name snapping me from thought. It had come from further down the table. 

"Yeah -- that fight at Moonfall was badass. Those pricks will never come back to touch us again."

A small scowl creased my features. Compared to what I once had, I loved this type of attention. I was grateful for it, even. However, I couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different, hadn't Azriel been my mate, or if I had failed to help fight that day. Would they still have treated me like this, or would they have continued to resent me?

I looked towards the oatmeal before me. Something told me they would, and that alone was enough to make me sour.

I devoured my oatmeal, more as an excuse not to talk to the others than anything. I may have gained notoriety, but I was still an introvert. Lost in my own thoughts, I didn't realize someone had been staring into the side of my head until I broke from my stupor. My head snapped up, meeting the beautiful azure eyes of my mate. 

He raised his brows at me, and I shot him a small smile. I loved the way he looked at me, the way his features softened and his eyes became all glossy. He raised his hand, beckoning me.

As I stood to oblige, I caught Zion's eye. He quickly looked away, focusing his attention back on his plate. I'd noticed Zion's behavior change towards me ever since that day. I assumed it was because I was Azriel's mate, so he ought to treat me with more respect than usual. And though he had that same, annoying side to him, he seemed almost more... closed-off. It was odd, and something that was especially amplified whenever I was around Azriel. 

I'd figured maybe he couldn't stand being around couples -- he'd never struck me as the romantic type, after all. 

I made my way over, feeling the curious eyes on me as I did so. Once I reached his side, I bent down, leveling my ear to his mouth.

His hot breath tingled along my ear, sending my heart into a frenzy. He still drove me crazy.

"Meet me in my room after breakfast," he purred, making my insides trill with excitement. "Today's my day off."

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