Chapter 15

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I lingered at the back of the group. I figured I'd draw less attention if I was out of the way, but that didn't stop them from turning around and ogling -- or giggling, in the case of the older age groups. 

Zion went around to each cluster, barking instructions. A few people in the older age groups transformed into wolves and started duelling, whilst others had remained in their human form to battle. I noticed how their eyes would change colour, even in their human forms. It was certainly odd to see a person with glowing red eyes.

He wound around a few other clusters, doing his rounds before finally reaching our group. He'd then barked a singular command: "Turn!"

Instantly, the kids around me sprung into action. I watched in awe as a few of the kid's bodies became wolf-like, half-transitioning before reverting to human again. A few managed to turn fully into their werewolf forms, whimpering and whining as though in great pain. However, they could only hold that form for a few moments before reverting to their human selves.

My awe quickly turned to dread as Zion's eyes focused on me. "Turn, Epsilon!" he yelled. "If these pups can do it, then I'm sure you can, too!"

I stood there, rooted to the spot. A few of the children shot me puzzled expressions, obviously wondering why I had yet to Turn. Some of the older ones had paused their duelling to look at me too, amusement written all over their faces. After a few moments of silence, Zion stormed towards me. 

"My lord has high expectations of you, you know," he hissed. "You are not to let him down; I won't let you. So, Turn."

"I don't know how," I quivered back, fighting the tightness in my throat. I blinked against the sting in my eyes, stomach filling with dread as I realized my mistake.

"Don't start crying!" Zion barked. More heads turned to look at us, and I wanted nothing more than to curl in on myself. "I don't take weaklings under my wing. I don't care what Lord Azriel says; If you do not master this, I will not have you as part of my Thetas!"

I ground my teeth despite the sting in my eyes. "Then tell me how  to Turn."

He gave me an exasperated look, bending down as though he were talking to a child. "It's simple! Can't you feel the Lunar Energy in the air pulsing around you? The buzz? That's what you draw on!"

I looked around, trying to sense this supposed energy. I couldn't feel any buzz, any tingles -- nothing. Even so, I closed my eyes, trying to find this strange electricity that was apparently all around me. After a few moments of silence, I opened my eyes, shaking my head.

"Pathetic," Zion snarled, eyes glittering with resentment. Slowly, he stood. "I'm sure Lord Azriel will be disappointed when I tell him this great prodigy can't so much as Turn."

I gnawed my bottom lip, hating the sting in my eyes. 

"Don't cry! It only makes you look more of an eyesore," someone jeered. My gaze snapped towards the voice. She looked about my age. Her ice-blonde hair billowed in the wind, tanned skin gleaming as though it were fresh toffee. Her ice-blue eyes had that same unnatural glow everyone else's had, cruelty glittering within them. Her mouth twisted into a half-smile. "Besides, the Beta doesn't pity crying girls. Also, I don't think he'd be into Human Trash such as yourself, so drop the act."

It took me a moment to understand what she was implying. My cheeks heated as a collective laugh rumbled out from her peers. Zion, to my surprise, didn't seem so pleased. "Azure!" he barked. "You are not to treat someone of your rank with such disrespect. You know the code..." 

"She's not my rank, nor my Soror!" Azure laughed. "She's an Epsilon; sub-human at that." 

A flame flared in Zion's green eyes. The air went wholly still for a moment. Then, a thick tension filled the air, a crushing sense of dread in its wake. I blanched. It felt as though I'd been dunked in ice water, throat tightened to the point it was difficult to breathe. It seemed I wasn't the only one who felt it, because everyone else's eyes were filled with the same terror.

I looked towards Azure. Her face was milk-pale, blue eyes wide and bulging as she held Zion's gaze. It was almost as though she were rooted to the spot, forced to hold his scrutiny. Strangely, I could sense the source of the dread, pulsing out in an arc to my right. Zion. It was as though he'd put us all under some spell. I swayed on my feet.

"Do not disobey me," Zion snarled. "I told you to treat your fellow rank with respect, and yet you disobeyed my order. You are to never defy your superiors, understand?"

She nodded stiffly, as though the action was hard to achieve. Then, as quickly as it had come, the tension in the air dissipated. I hadn't realized I'd been holding my breath until I gasped, earning a side-eye from Zion. Apparently, my fear and confusion must've shown on my features, for he said in a grave voice, "That was an Ageto. It's used to remind inferiors of their place -- so I suggest you watch that mouth of yours, too."

I nodded, glancing towards Azure. She looked to be in a state of shock. Several other girls had surrounded her in an attempt to calm her down, though she seemed to just swat them all away. Despite her state of shock, she still managed to cut me a nasty glare.

Zion looked at me expectantly, and I remembered what I'd first come here to do. We stared at each other for a few moments, before he finally scoffed and walked away, muttering something close to 'useless' under his breath.

I continued to try to sense that so-called electricity in the air. When I couldn't, I was sorely reminded of my failures by the young pups, who were turning in and out of their wolf forms. I was thankful that no one seemed to be paying attention to me anymore; in fact, the people that once jeered seemed almost afraid to look my way, looking even more scared when Zion neared them. I couldn't blame them, though: that Ageto had left everyone feeling jittery. I could only imagine how it made Azure feel.

Azure left mid-way during the lesson. She'd cut me a glare, though it didn't have the intended effect with her trembling arms and milk-pale face. Zion had spared her not a glance as she walked away. I made a mental note to be more respectful to Azriel. If the Beta's Ageto was that strong, I could only imagine what an Alpha's would be like. 

I couldn't express the relief I felt when training was disbanded, and everyone slowly poured their way back into the building. I recognized the emerald-eyed girl waiting for me at the arch. A firm grip on the shoulder halted my trek.

"No, your training's not done yet, Epsilon," Zion drawled, his words sending a shiver down my spine. He forced me to look at him. "You will be training with me in private until you can master the basics, understand?"

I wanted to cry, to scream, to collapse to my knees. But I remembered mother's words: don't talk back, and don't cause trouble. I chuckled a longing glance towards Raina before slowly turning back to him. With a small sigh, I nodded.

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