Chapter 22 ✔️

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I didn't know how much time had passed. Everything came in flashes: sometimes, I'd open my eyes to see the blinding white lights of a foreign room. Other times, I'd see a concerned azure gaze. Other times, I would see a man with auburn hair. Every time I opened my eyes, there was something different before me.

I felt things as well. Mostly pain. My entire body screamed, as though I'd shattered every last bone and snapped every last sinew. Other times, it was just a dull ache in my back, or a splintering pain in the temples.

When I'd finally come around, I'd been informed by a man in a green Pelta that I had been out for four days. He seemed nice enough, with his mouse-brown hair and warm chocolate eyes. What seemed strange to me was the silver embroidery on his back; very different the usual Omega gold. During his rambling, I found myself staring at it a lot.

It wasn't long before I'd fully recalled what had happened, and with it came the guilt and shame. I had killed people -- and not just killed them, mutilated them. It didn't sit right with me. I knew I had to do it, and I knew that if I didn't I would have lost my friends as a result. But did that make what I did any more right? I had smashed in their skulls and torn them apart, and what did that make me?

A murderer. 

The man had informed me that I was in the Court's hospital wing, and that he was one of the Pack Doctors. I had more questions for him, but he'd been in a rush to exit the room, muttering something about grabbing the Alpha.

It wasn't long until Azriel walked through the door, azure eyes shot with concern.

"Hello, Kyra Dear," he began, taking careful steps towards me. I frowned at him.

"As I've said before, I'm not your dear."

Azriel stilled, before letting out a loud laugh. Visible relief smothered the apprehension in his eyes. "Gosh, and here I was worrying I'd lost you. Good to see you still have your spark." Despite his humor, there was an undeniable element of relief to his tone. I smiled back at him.

"I am, too."

Silence settled over the room.

"How are you feeling, Kyra?" Azriel prodded. I sat up, surprised to be met with very little pain.

"Better than expected, actually," I mused. "I was in a lot of pain during my sleep, but now I'm fine."

A deep chuckle rumbled from the male's throat. "You can thank Dr. Hershel for that. He's one of the pack's best doctors."

I pondered. It seemed like a stupid question to ask, especially given the circumstances, but it was one I was aching to know. "Why did Dr. Hershel have silver embroidery on his Pelta? Why not gold like the rest?"

Azriel's brows shot up. "Ah, I'm glad you noticed. Within the Omega class, we have a few... specialists. Great healers will often become pack doctors, and though being an Omega, they're in a sense in their own category entirely," he paused, a gentle smile on his face. "He treated your Omega friends, as well."

My eyes widened and my back straightened. I winced as I was met with a spike of pain. Azriel rushed over to me with concern, but I waved him away. "How are they?" I stammered. "The Omegas?"

Azriel visibily relaxed. "They're fine, Kyra; in fact, it seems you saved them just at the right time. Had their wounds been any deeper, they could have suffered worse."

I swallowed, thinking back to the bite on Olcan's ruff. "And Olcan?"

"He's fine," Azriel assured. "The kid's durable. A couple of stiches and some healing magic, and he was back to health."

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