Chapter 39

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I stood in the courtyard, picking at my nails as I waited for the Alpha's appearance. It was a nervous habit I needed to kick, especially if I didn't want to seem like a target in front of all these people. 

I frowned towards the people sending me strange looks, the way they glanced away quicker than I could process their expressions. It was odd, but I found my mind drifting to Jane and her cronies. I wonder what she'd think of me now, of the insults she'd say. Could she even insult me now? I was far prettier than her, thanks to my Lunar Magic, and I could feel the air of confidence that surrounded me. I wondered what Alia would think, too.

I swallowed the tightness in my throat. I couldn't help but wonder how Alia was faring now that I'd gone. She was likely facing those bullies alone, without me jumping inf front of her all the time like a shield. 

I thought back to her bubbly features and sweet personality. I knew she was on the spectrum, even if she'd never told me herself. It was the little things that gave it away, like her over-sensitivity to sounds, and the way she could never seem to maintain eye contact unless it was me. It only made me want to protect her more, and this world was unforgiving, so the fact I wasn't there to do so scared me more than anything.

"Are you ready?" came a silky voice behind. I whirled, meet with the smirking face of Azriel. I had been so lost in my thoughts, I hadn't even heard his approach. 

His azure eyes snared me like they always did, glimmering like midnight candles. His smile did strange things to my stomach, and I had to look away. Get ahold of yourself; what is wrong with you? I chastised. I cleared my throat, looking up at him again with a sweet smile.

"Yes, I'm ready."

He offered me his arm again, and without a second's hesitation, I took it in my own. I wasn't surprised by the odd glances thrown my way, along with the jealousy that seemed to radiate off many of the girls. I recalled what Raina had said, how they all felt a 'pull' towards the Alpha. I scoffed at the idea. Maybe they were in love with him, but I wasn't; he was way out of my league, even with my newfound beauty and power.

Together we trekked through the winding halls of the court and into the back fields, where I could spy the treeline from afar. Something in my stomach stirred at the thought of being alone in a forest with Azriel, but I pushed the feeling out of my head. 

Steadily, we walked towards the tree line, drinking up the sunlight that was bearing down on us. the wind was warm upon my skin, the scent of wild tulip and oak getting stronger with every step we took towards the forest. it wasn't long before we were lost within the thicket of the trees, dodging tree roots and kicking pebbles.

We trekked most of the way in silence. The silence made me feel so tense, I thought I would implode. Azriel, however, didn't seem bothered at all; in fact, he has a constant small smile on his lips. Though, given his age, I supposed it made sense that he was used to walking in painfully awkward silence.

Out of nowhere, he broke the silence. "Today, Kyra-dear, we're going to dry discover your Unique Ability."

My head whipped towards him. "My unique ability?" I asked, dumbfounded. He nodded.

"Well, don't expect much of me," I warned. "I already trained with Zion, and to say it was a disaster would be an understatement."

The man huffed a chuckle. "You'll achieve it in good time. Besides, Kyra," he shot me a coy look. "You'll be training with me. No offense to Zion, but his methods can be a bit... stagnant... at times."

I stifled a chuckle, and we fell into silence again. I focused on the cold grass licking the soles of my feet, a tantalizing relief to the heat rushing in fierce rays through the clearing. I tuned into the songbirds screeching in the distance, the cicadas that clicked their deafening melodies. I didn't want to stare at the man next to me, or rather, I didn't have the nerve to.

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