Chapter 31

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I'd been left alone for a few hours. After many minutes of craning my neck to see around the screens, I'd finally concluded I was the only one in the ward. For a while, I enjoyed the company of the silence -- it was better than Zion's yelling, anyway.

Of course, my reverie couldn't last forever. The door to the infirmary had swung open, the graceful footfalls telling me who it was even before I saw his face peer around the white screens.

My heart did a flip-flop. Azriel. 

His hair was dark as ever, eyes bright despite the bags under them. He looked tired — exhausted, even. I don't know why, but just the sight of him riddled me with guilt. 

"Mind if I sit here?" He asked, motioning towards the chair. I rushed a nod, sitting up in my bed to give him more attention. This was the first time Azriel and I had been alone in almost a month, so it came to no surprise that my heart was racing.

With a content smile, Azriel pulled up the chair and sat. He stared at his lap, and at that moment I could almost envision the weights on his shoulders. They were curved inwards, causing his entire posture to slump. His mouth curved into a small frown as I watched him, waiting for something to happen.

Moments passed, but they traveled like years. Finally, he spoke.

"Please do not be so hard on yourself, Kyra. Zion and I should have stepped in earlier, and I know he won't admit it, but this is our fault if anything."

I blinked. This wasn't the tongue-lashing I had anticipated. He looked up at me amidst my silence, and I quickly wracked my head for a response.

"No, Azriel, it's my faul" I stammered, lowering my head. My eyes stung as I recalled Zion's words. "I let both you and Lord Zion down. It was stupid of me to be so reactive."

The male shook his head. "No, don't apologize, Kyra. I should've used my Ageto on Azure the moment she stood out of line."

I blinked. I'd almost forgotten how Azure had clammed up moments before my attack. I'd initially thought she'd froze up at the sight of my wrath, but thinking back on it now, only something like an Ageto could inflict that degree of paralyzing fear.

Azriel was staring intently, and it took me a moment to realize he was waiting for an answer. I shook my head again. "It's alright, you couldn't have known..."

"But I should've known, Kyra," he cut in. "I should've known. I'm the leader, I'm responsible for everything." 

I opened my mouth, waiting for a rebuttal to form, but when nothing came I shut my mouth and stared into my lap. Tense silence consumed us again. 

"A few Omegas came by to say goodbye," he said softly. "Your friends, I believe."

I frowned. "'To say goodbye'?"

Azriel gnawed on his bottom lip, worry flashing through his gaze. My stomach dropped. Something was wrong.

"They're leaving the Court, Kyra. They departed a few hours ago to join one of the outposts."

My stomach lurched, and for a moment I forgot how to breathe. 

"The outposts?" I repeated in disbelief. "You mean, the first-line-of denence in the territory? The first places to get overrun?" Azriel gave me a grave nod. I sputtered, "But why? Why would you put them there when they could be safe here?"

"Because they're needed there, Kyra. They're protecting the territory."

My stomach dropped. "Are you mad? They're not ready to fight!" I yelled. "Susi can't turn, and Ulric has permanent damage to his hamstring! How would they defend themselves?"

Epsilon [Werewolf]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon