Chapter 41

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As Azriel had warned, Moonfall had taken the Court by storm.

Within mere days after our expedition blue-and-silver garlands had already been erected, the teepees of the grounds packed away and replaced instead with large silver tents, their canvases glaring in the sunlight. I'd noticed the appearance of stranger wolves -- people who were not part of this court. They sported grey Peltas, silver collars ringing their throats. Raina had told me they were ambassadors from other courts, and it wasn't uncommon for them to visit during the Moonfall. She'd told me Moonfall was a symbol of 'truce' among territories, though that notion didn't seem very substantial if the strangers were forced to wear silver collars to suppress their abilities. 

I hadn't told Raina about Azriel and I's expedition, about the swift kiss that had left me reeling for days after. But that had occurred over a week ago. Today, Moonfall was planned to occur, and the court was in a buzz. I'd noticed the lift in the mood when no one glared my direction -- some even going so far as to smile at me. It was strange, but I wasn't complaining.

The same couldn't be said for the ambassadors. Many had stone-set faces, none of which looked friendly. I noticed how some of their eyes glued to me, and I recalled Azriel's words of me being high talk among the other territories. From that point on, I'd tried to avoid the ambassador's sights as best as I could, so I did what I did best: hide away in my room.

I lay idly upon my bed mulling over my kiss with Azriel. I wasn't even sure if one could call it a kiss -- more like a heat of the moment; an error. Still, it wasn't like I could take it up with Azriel; he seemed to be avoiding me as much as I'd been trying to avoid him. I wanted to press him about it but, at the same time, I was too scared -- though I wasn't quite sure of what.

I sighed, pulling myself out of bed. I glanced at the golden wall clock, its hands reading two. I knew Moonfall began at six, so I decided it was best I get ready. As I was about to head to the ensuite to fix myself up, a knock sounded at my door.

Before I could even reach the handle, the door flew open, catching me off guard. I was shocked to see Raina standing at its frame, her eyes beaming as she looked at me. She held a black parcel close to her chest, and she was bouncing on the balls of her feet.

"Raina, what's all this? It's not like you to burst in here," I joked. Raina ignored me and made a bee-line for the bed, where she placed the box. Raina barging into my room and ignoring me? Alright, this was definitely strange--

"Azriel sent you this," she sang, and my heart skipped a beat. She whirled to face me, dimples forming on her cheeks as she smiled. "He said you'd like it, and that nobody must see it until Moonfall -- oh my god, Kyra, open it already!"

I gawked at her. Why would Azriel send me something now, after such a long silence? Moreover, why couldn't he come here himself? Was he afraid to see me as much as I was to see him?

I stifled a laugh at my own stupidity. He was the strongest werewolf in this territory; why would he be intimidated by the likes of me?

Even so, I couldn't help my doubts as I toed towards the black parcel, swallowing. Raina tracked my every move with her wide eyes, her frame shaking with barely-contained excitement. I was shaking, too, but not quite from excitement.

I placed my hands upon the black paper, carefully unwrapping it. Within it, I found something like a black shoebox, somehow made of even darker material. I looked towards Raina for some sense of security, and she nodded eagerly for me to open it. So, without another thought, I lifted the lid.

A gasp escaped me. Within it sat something of darkest material, managing to suck up every bit of light that met its fabric. As I lifted it out of the box, I noticed the violet embroidery along its edges, the glimmering symbol of 'Epsilon' upon its back. 

As I held it before me, my eyes widened. He'd given me a Pelta, and not just any Pelta, but one with his colors.

I turned to Raina for an explanation, but she looked just as shocked as me.

"My God," she muttered, staring at me in bewilderment. "Kyra, do you understand how big this is? The Alpha is allowing you to wear his colors -- this has never happened before!"

A large grin spread across her face, as to the dread spreading in my stomach. "Oh my god, Kyra, he wants you to stand by him. He has recognized you to be one on his level! This is something-- something a Luna could only have!" she squeaked, grabbing my hands in her own. "This can only mean one thing, Kyra; he loves you!"

My stomach turned into a melting pot of butterflies. "What? Me? No way!" I stammered, pulling away from her grasp. I stared at the Pelta, which was now laid out on the bed. Its violet embroidery glittered in the filtered sunlight, and I had to admit it was gorgeous. "I don't know what this is, or why he'd allow me to wear his colors, but he definitely doesn't love me."

Raina just gave me an amused look that implied she knew better. Boiling over with barely-contained energy, she grabbed the Pelta and shoved it to my chest. "We gotta get an outfit to match this thing -- c'mon! We need to make you look as best as you can! All eyes will be on you tonight."

I shivered. All eyes on me? I watched as Raina rummaged through my wardrobe, looking for something I could wear. I looked at the black material in my grasp, clamping my fists around the edges. Not so long ago, I would have hated the thought of being the center of attention. Not so long ago, I would have been desperate to remain in the shadows.

I stared at the purple embroidery, loving the way it gleamed in the light. But now, who was I? I stared into a floor-length mirror, looking at the reflection of myself. I looked so different from the girl I used to be. I looked better -- felt better. This was a different girl entirely, and yet she was still me.

For a fleeting moment, I wondered what Alia would think of me if she were to see me now. Would she even recognize me? I chuckled at the thought. She'd forgotten me just as the rest of them had; of course, she wouldn't recognize me now of all things. 

Raina returned to me with a lovely black dress in her arms. She seemed to force herself back for a moment, giving me a look that asked if I was okay with this. I pondered. Was I ready? Once I did this, there was no turning back; not at all.

But I was done holding onto the past. This was me: Kyra Aetos, the fearsome Epsilon who didn't take shit from anyone, not anymore; the werewolf who had the potential to save a territory. My territory.

Resolve ran through me. I am ready. 

I nodded towards Raina, and a large grin spread across her face in response. 

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