Chapter 17

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(A/N) Thank you so much for everyone's comments and support! I'll try to respond to as many as I can <<3


I'd lost track of the days. It was always the same: wake up, receive glares and insults, go to group training and embarrass myself, go to private training with Zion and get absolutely destroyed, sleep, repeat.

Maybe one of thicker skin could handle such hellish temperament, but not me. No, I was beginning to go numb.

I slumped out of bed. Today would be no different, I knew. Dragging on a loose-fitted shirt with black pants to match, I tried to ignore the dread pooling in my stomach. I tied my blue Pelta around my shoulders, resenting the silver embroidery on its back -- the glimmering symbol of Theta. It was like wearing a medallion I hadn't earnt, a badge I had no right to. 

And everyone else knew that. 

A knock interrupted my thoughts. Raina. I'd taken a sure liking the the girl. She didn't jeer, judge, or cut me cold glares like the others. Though she was a girl of few words, I'd never felt more welcome than when I was around her. So I was partly relieved to be greeted by the sight of her emerald eyes, golden curls as luscious as ever. 

"I'm here to escort you to the First Feasting," she muttered, voice impossibly soft. She averted her gaze, and though wariness still twinkled there, it seemed she'd gotten a bit more used to my company. I nodded, and together we trekked down the winding halls.

I wasn't surprised by the glares I received from left, right and center, along with whispers that followed in their wake. I'd found that my hearing had gotten slightly better over the past week -- not that it had been a good thing. Now, I could hear their 'ugly' and 'corrupted trash' remarks clearer. Great.

We entered the courtyard. I was expecting more sneers to be thrown my way, along with more insults. What I wasn't expecting were a group of jovial faces to rush towards me, bombarding me like a swarm of bees. 

"Kyra!" a boy called. He looked no older than Raina -- at least fifteen. His umber skin gleamed in the morning sun, a childish twinkle forming in his dark-slate eyes. His forest-green Pelta billowed in the wind as he rushed towards me with an outstretched arm, several others in his wake. 

I was even more shocked when the boy grabbed my hand and shook fervently. "My name's Olcan!" he yelled. His grin was wide; an infectious thing that almost forced a smile on my own face. "We've been wanting to meet you for a long time, but Raina's been keeping you from us--"

"She's my duty," the girl shot back. I stared at her, stunned. It was the first time I'd heard her say anything that wasn't a low mumble. "Besides, Kyra's new; I don't need you guys bombarding her like this."

Olcan waved her off with a scoff. "As if. You just wanted to keep her for yourself. You can't keep everything from your friends, you know."

I would've thought his claim to be dud if I hadn't seen the crimson that burned Raina's cheeks at the remark. My eyes widened. 

Before I could think on it any further, Olcan shot me a wide-toothed grin, stepping aside to reveal the two people behind him. "Kyra, I want you to meet my friends: Susi and Ulric."

I looked past him. A girl -- who I presumed was Susi -- gave me a sheepish smile before averting her gaze. I noticed how her black hair was very similar to mine, albeit far more luscious and voluminous. The boy next to her -- Ulric -- grinned at me beneath blonde curls. He had the same shine that they all seemed to possess, that ethereal glimmer. I was painfully reminded of how dull I must've looked in comparison.

"Nice to meet you guys," I stammered, fighting the urge to avert my gaze. I'd never been good at conversation. I had only ever talked to Alia, and even that had proved difficult.

If Olcan detected my apprehension, he didn't let on, instead shooting me another wide-toothed smile. "We'd really like to get to know you, Kyra -- you've become the talk of the court."

I bet I have, I thought bitterly. Even so, I kept a pleasant smile plastered to my face. Something didn't add up though. "Don't you guys dislike me?" I asked. When they gave me quizzical looks in return, I backpedaled, "It's just that everyone seems to hate me in this place, for being an Epsilon and possessing a supposedly dangerous power. I'm just surprised you guys are... you know... even talking to me..."

Something like pity flashed through Olcan's dark eyes. He masked it with a sad smile. "So, you're asking if we're afraid of you, is that it?"

I started. "N- no, of course not! There's no reason anyone should fear me. Hell, I can't even master the basics. I should be wary of you guys if anything..."

The silence that followed was deafening. Then, Olcan spoke, his tone suddenly serious. "We don't hate you -- or fear you -- Kyra. Raina's told us many great things about you, and if anyone's word is to be taken, it's hers." I resisted the urge to glance at Raina, who's eyes were firmly on the floor. Olcan held my gaze, "We're nothing like the others, Kyra. Besides." He shrugged, that carefree grin returning. "Lord Azriel is powerful; powerful enough to inflict fear, anyway. And yet we don't fear him, let alone hate him. So why would we hate you?"

I blinked. He was right, strangely enough. But then again, to compare me to the pack's leader was a stretch. He was their leader; their king. I was just another stranger. 

I opened my mouth to respond when another voice spoke up. "We're outcasts, just like you." It was the black-haired girl who'd spoken. Her voice was soft, yet there was undeniable strength to it. Her dark almond-shaped eyes held my own as she continued, "And we know what it's like to be in your position. So..."

Her voice trailed off, and she promptly fell silent. Olcan shot me a nervous grin. "What Susi was going to ask is, would you want to be our friend?"

I blinked. The whole conversation was bizarre, especially considering what I meant to these people -- but for them to ask that? I opened and closed my mouth several times, ogling them like a stunned mullet. After a few moments of silence, I collected myself. "Yes," I stammered with a stiff nod. "I would like that."

The kids' grins widened -- Olcan's more so than anyone else's. "Alright, let's head to the Feasting. And, Kyra, you're welcome to sit with us if you like."

I started, and Raina bristled beside me. "Don't ask a higher rank to sit with us, Olcan!" she hissed, lowering her tone. "It's disrespectful..."

I looked towards Raina. She looked towards me with an apology in her eyes, and with the glumness that had settled in the air it only occurred to me then how segregated the ranks were. I didn't have much time to mull over the details, however, before someone in a crimson Pelta called out to us. 

"Pick up the pace, Omegas. Feasting starts now!"

Without another word, Olcan, Susi and Ulric rushed towards the other side of the courtyard, all avoiding my eyes. Raina followed in their wake, muttering a promise to escort me after breakfast. Then, she was gone.

I stood there for a few moments, stunned. Then, without another thought, I followed in their wake.


Another chapter done!

What do you guys think about the Omegas? Who's your favorite one so far?

And what do you guys think about the lower ranks not being able to sit with the higher ranks at the Feasting? Do you think this rank segregation is appropriate, or should this mindset be challenged?

What are you predictions for the next chapter?


~ 𝕧𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤, 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 + 𝕔𝕠𝕣𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕒𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 ~

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