Chapter 28

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I swallowed, and for a moment I forgot how to breathe. Azure was strolling towards us, a few other people clustering in her wake. I would call them her cronies, but she never seemed to acknowledge them -- at all. Instead, she stared ahead, where she caught sight of me.

She shot me a sneer. That wasn't unusual, and her spiteful looks usually didn't bother me. But with the information I'd just received, it came to no surprise that her glare lodged spears of dread into my stomach. The blonde was skilled. I'd seen her in her wolf form -- a white wolf with bright blue eyes with a mencing set of teeth to match. I'd seen her tear into her peers without mercy. I could only imagine what she would do to me.

I stood idly by as more and more people arrived, forming the usual clusters. I joined the group of other people that looked about my age, painfully reminded of the time I was forced to train with the pups. I pushed the memory out of my head.

Several people in crimson Peltas strolled out the archways, claiming their groups. Zion took ours, turning to face us as his auburn hair gleamed in the wind, a menacing twinkle in his eye as he grinned. "Today, everyone, we will be having our monthly duel. Pups, you will stand by and observe. As for the rest of you, I have paired you up with parters, who you will only find out when it comes to your turn."

I didn't miss the amused look he shot my way. I ground my teeth. Insufferable

"I mist mention too that we have a special guest who will be watching us today..."

I frowned, as did many others. Who would want to see something like this?

Zion nodded behind us. "Alpha Azriel, welcome."

The words were like a kick to the stomach. I whirled, almost knocked off balance by my eagerness. Others turned too, eyes wide as they stared at one figure in particular.

I let out a shuddering breath. He looked ethereal. His jet-black hair gleamed in the sunlight, strands cut straight from a stone of onyx. His blue eyes twinkled as he regarded us, matching the glow of his features. I found myself staring at his lips as they turned upwards, his perfect jawline as it shifted to accommodate his smile. It wasn't until Zion spoke again that I realized I'd been staring.

"Lord Azriel will be observing you guys today," he informed. I turned to look at him for the briefest og moments, catching the admiration sparkling in his eyes as he regarded his leader. I glanced back towards Azriel, and for a fleeting moment our eyes meet. Electricty lashed through me. My cheeks flamed. I don't know why, but I had to look away. "So please, everyone, perform your best."

Azriel chuckled; a course sound, like the grounding of warm coffee beans. I didn't miss the absolute adoration that formed in the other girls' eyes, they way they swooned. "Do not put so much pressure on them, Zion." He turned towards us, adressing us directly, "Please, pay no mind to my prescnce. I am simply an observer; not your judge."

A small silence settled over the grounds. Zion clasped his hands together, earning our attention again. "Right. I will call out the names of the sparring partners. Everyone, please gather around the circle."

Slowly, each of us walked towards the circle that had been etched into the ground -- a wonky makeshift ring. It wasn't much; just dirt that had been upturned by a stick, but it was something. People were talking in excited voices, many of the girls stealing glances at Azriel as he walked towards his Beta.

I lingered at the back of the circle, eager to be out of the general line-of-sight. Thankfully, the fighting began almost instantly, so I didn't have to worry about being the centre of attention for once.

"Belle and Mathias!" Zion called. A female with brown hair and a red boy stepped out from the crowd. "You will be the first to duel. Please, get into position."

The two nodded, striding onto either side of the ring. All went silent as the two stood still, their eyes glowing brighter as they drew in their Lunar Magic. They remained in their human form, frames shaking slighty.

"On your mark!" Zion called. The two resumed battle stances. 


Within seconds, the two were engaged in combat. Everyone watched on as the girl send a powerful punch to the side of the boys head, to which he answered with  blow to the stomach.

The girl doubled over as if in deep pain. I resisted the urge to rush over to her and check if she was okay, reminding myself these people were werewolves -- magical beings with the ability to speed-heal. Then again, I wasn't used to seeing a girl getting beaten by a boy.

I saw the boy's guard relax, obviously thinking he had the upper hand. I thought he did My, too, until the girl shot up and swept her leg out, hitting the boy's shin with a loud crack. She didn't look hurt at all, and it took me a moment to realise she'd been faking the pain.

Smart, I thought as the boy fell to the floor with a yelp. It came to no surprise when he stuck his hand out, signalling his surrender. He looked slightly embarrassed, but I guess it made sense; he'd made the mistake of letting his guard down, all because he'd been confident his blow had stung. A little too confident, I mused to myself.

The girl glowed with triumph. I was about to applaud along with the others when I noticed something blazing in my peripheral.

I turned, catching Azure's gaze. She was staring at me, the sinister smile on her lips growing as my eyes met hers. I looked away. I wondered if she knew I was her partner. I quickly dismissed the thought. No, that was impossible! Right? I instinctively looked towards Zion, who was staring disapprovingly at Mathias. Or maybe it isn't, I thought bitterly.

The two walked off the arena, and I didn't miss the limp in the boy's step. I tried to calm my racing heart, hating the anticipation that knotted my gut. It's alright, I reminded myself. Your duel won't be for a while--

"Next up!" Zion called, green eyes locking on mine. My heart sunk as the smallest smirk tugged at his lips. "Azure and Kyra!"

I felt myself go pale. I resisted the urge to look at Azure, who of which was grinning at me in my peripheral. Others were looking at me, too, the tension in the air so thick one could cut it with a knife. I glimpsed Azriel's bewildered expression, and in that moment he leaned over to say something to Zion. The auburn-haired man waved him off, instead beckoning us forward.

I swallowed. Slowly, I weaved my way through the crowd, aware of the ice-blonde girl doing the same somewhere off to my left. 

I tried to calm my breathing as I found my spot on the ring. I closed my eyes and sucked in a breath, readying myself mentally as I turned towards my opponent. Not to my surprise, she was smirking at me -- no doubt finding my nervous reaction amusing. 


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