Chapter 54

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Thankfully, the halls were empty, but that was to be expected for a big event like this. Raina told me everyone would have arrived at the ceremony at least an hour ago, something which spiked much anxiety in me. She assured me it was customary for the Luna to arrive later, for it gave the Alpha time to address his people. Still, the thought of being late filled me with unease -- I never liked being late.

As we walked the halls, I found myself taking in the decorations, reminded of the first time I'd arrived here -- alone, scared, confused. Now, I was striding down these very same halls with my head held high, ready to claim my place as the leader of these people. The thought made me smile. I'd come a long way, and part of me wished my old, weak self could see the person I'd become.

Even so, I felt my confidence dwindle just a tad as finally reached the archway that led out into the grounds. I could hear the excited chatters and murmurs, and though part of me was just as  excited as my pack, I couldn't shake the nerves that had taken root in my stomach. And to top it all off, the silver heels were really starting to hurt. Raina had chosen one-inch heels just for me, just so I wouldn't stumble around and make a fool of myself, but damn did they hurt. 

Raina placed a reassuring hand on the small of my back, and that was all I needed. Holding my head high, I strode out into the world beyond.

And gasped.

The setup was lavish. Silver tarps had been erected all around, the intricate thread glowing in the sunlight. Rows upon rows of chairs had been set up, their golden frames accentuated with jewels of every color. A silver carpet split the group of chairs into two, its silver material embroidered with gold thread. 

My eyes traveled forward. At the end of the carpet stood a raised stage, the backdrop behind it depicting silver mountains and golden wolves, running under what looked to be the night sky, with glittering silver stars stapled among the black. Before it stood the figure of Azriel, dashingly handsome in his black tuxedo and golden brooch. A little off to the side, I spotted his Zeta, her gray eyes very dull in comparison to the silver that stood around her. I scanned the stage, trying to find any hint of Zion's presence. A certain pain ran through me when my search turned up empty. 

Many heads turned my way, and I could see them all smiling in my peripheral, eyes glimmering with pure adoration. I was reminded again of the time I'd first come here, when a very similar set of faces had glared at me with absolute hatred. Something close to resentment split my chest in two, but I pushed the feeling down. The past was the past. This was the present, and in this reality, they loved me, so I should love them back.

Swallowing, I began my walk down the silver-carpeted isle with Raina at my side. I promised myself only a glimpse into Azriel's eyes. However, when they caught mine, I quickly found myself snared in them. His gaze was soft and tender, an indiscernible emotion on his face. I felt my love for him soar. I loved it when he looked at me like that, like I was the only girl in the world. 

As we reached the front of the isle, Raina stepped aside, allowing me to take the last few steps alone. Azriel extended his hand, and I took it in my own, loving the heat of our contact. I was aware of the Zeta's eyes on me, but I couldn't care. I was so lost in Azriel's gaze.

"You look beautiful," he whispered, his voice low so only I could hear him. I was thankful for the coat of foundation and concealer, otherwise I would've gone cherry-red in front of all these people.

"Greetings, people of the Southern Court," he began, addressing the pack. He'd turned to fully face them, and I did, too, my hand still laced in his. "Today marks a great day for this territory. Today, I will crown my mate, Kyra Aetos, as my Luna."

Cheers of approval rose up from the crowd. Once everyone finally fell silent, he continued. "Today, we will witness as Kyra takes the vows." 

He turned to me, his eyes asking, 'are you ready?' I gave him a small smile, and he began.

"Kyra, do you swear to protect this pack at all costs, even if it means putting your life at risk?"

I didn't even hesitate. "I swear."

A small smile formed upon Azriel's features as he continued, "Kyra, do you hereby swear to lead these people with pride and care, and guide them through their trials and troubles?"

"I swear."

"And lastly, Kyra, do you accept me, Azriel South, as your mate and eternal lover?"

"I accept," I said, raising my chin to meet his eyes. For a moment, we just stared at each other in silence, a beautiful silence I wished could last forever. 

Then, Azriel turned to his people. "I hereby claim Kyra Aetos as both my Luna and my mate."

Cheers erupted from the crowd. I leaned into him and closed my eyes. A small gasp ripped out of me as his canines pierced the soft spot in my neck, but the pain was quickly drowned out by the pure euphoria that ensued. My body and mind soared, as though elevating to another plane entirely. I felt myself singing among the stars, and at that moment, it was only me and Azriel. I could feel the connection forming between us. It built slowly at first, like the steady dripping of water; but then it built faster, like the rushing rapids of a river. 

I felt myself shaking slightly, watching as he finally pulled away. Another roar of cheers went up from the crowd, and I could hear them cheering my name -- 'Luna Kyra! Luna Kyra!' Of course, I couldn't help the little smile on my lips. I stole a glance towards Raina, whom of which beamed at me with pride. I glanced towards the empty pedestal, where Zion should have been, and felt a pang of pain. I wish he'd been here to see this -- to see all of it. 

Azriel grabbed my hand, pulling me off the stage. The cheers multiplied as he pulled me towards the forest. My cheeks heated. I knew what would happen next, and I think they all knew, too. 

"Come on, Kyra," he beamed, dragging us across the grounds. "It's time we have our long-awaited fun."

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