Chapter 35

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The next morning, very early morning of three am, i thought about hanging out with Angela again while i got dressed and got on my bike for a ride. My eyes trailing the stars above me. I thought about the martial arts movies that we could watch. Things with Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee which are the only ones i know. Maybe Ben would introduce to me some new ones.  I wanted to rewatch Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, i realized and imagined a movie night at home. Charlie Theo and Ben on the couch while Angela and I sat next to each other on the floor hogging the popcorn to ourselves. 

Maybe I'll introduce some anime to Ben and we can watch some that had to do with Martial arts. Like Kenichi the Mightiest Disciple or Baki the Grappler. I'm sure he'd appreciate it. 

My legs hurt but I forced myself to think of something else. I would go see Jessica and share some gossip with her. Maybe she'll forgive me enough to not hate me... didn't think that would still be a problem in this life. I blame Bella. 

Then i thought of the impossible. I would attend school performances to watch the children dance around on stage. There would be a piano recital. I would draw pictures of sonic in an epic battle with an Among Us imposter. I would dress up in a stupid dress to have a Halloween tea party in the middle of June with him... I would take him to the park. I would feed him his favorite snacks. And then we would go home where i would force him to rewatch Lord of the Rings with me. 

I stopped thinking of things i would do when my eyes found the first building in the La Push area. The sky was no longer dark but becoming much brighter than when i left the house. 

It's funny how easy it is to work around Alice's visions. I'm sure Edward and Alice are more than a little annoyed at my ever improving talent at it. 

I flipped my phone open resting by those first buildings. My legs numb.


"Morning Jake. Its me."

"Bella! How are you? You said you were coming yesterday and you didn't—"

"Sorry about that. Plans changed." I sighed, "think you could pick me up?"

"I'll drive to your place right now." He said seriously.

I laughed, "No need. I've been biking it here all morning... I'll go the beach. You can pick me up there."

"I'll be there soon."

I walked a few steps letting my legs stretch and regain some feeling before tossing my leg over and beginning to pedal again. The moment i found the beach and that cold ocean air hit me i realized how much i actually liked the beach. It was open and never the same twice. I sat down on the ground and in a few minutes Jacob pulled in. He parked the car and quickly jumped out. A giant grin on his face, "Bella!"

I rose my arms up in an attempt to be equally excited, "Hi Jake!"

He pulled me up as if i was a toddler. He crushed me in his embrace, "i can't believe it!" He looked at the bike, "you snuck out didn't you?"

"I did."


We decided to stay at the beach for a bit since we were already there. It reminded me of the first time i met him. Where he was just my friend and i had planned to keep it that way. I turned him down as soon as i got back but I wasn't sure if he had accepted it because he understood or if he accepted it because at least i wasn't dating Edward.

"So, you mentioned Bloodsucker Central being nightmarish. Want to clarify or..." he shrugged. 

I shrugged a bit and recounted what i remembered. I told the beginning of the tale as if it happened to someone that wasn't me. Jake seemed to pick up on that. He immediately went to hold my hand. I moved my hand out of his and instead hooked onto his arm. He didn't mind that. I continued naming a few -very few- vampires and what Edward and Alice managed to do and promised in order to get me out of there safely. 

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