Chapter 104

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Oliver called back and i hated that they were using the landline for this. I don't know why I still had that fucking phone. i wanted to listen to the conversation but the speaker option was out of the questions since landlines don't have that option and Dorian was still in the room regardless. 

Simon said close to nothing as Oliver spoke to him on the other end and when he hung up there was a short  silence in the room.

"Abbotsford," Simon muttered. "They moved on from Tacoma, probably last night and moving north but not towards us."

And how the fuck would Oliver know that if he was supposedly residing in the castle in Volterra? i frowned trying to figure that out. The only thing that came to mind was what Simon told me. The Eye of God. Magic was one piece of this. I don't know enough about how his magic works for me to get a full grasp on how he was doing this. 

I'm trying to remember the little details of his previous lives where he was able to use magic. I'm trying to grasp the concept of the magic the way I would as if I were reading a book. The magic system and all that. Where does it come from? How he has been using it and the like so I can try to guess what might be out of the limitations of his magic. There hasn't been a limit from what i could tell but I certainly haven't exactly seen it at work first hand during his time as a vampire. The limitations were clear when he was human. As a vampire I've only heard of his swordsmanship but his magic was something else altogether.

Then, it clicks.

"Flowers," i muttered. Simon is planting flowers.

Simon smiled. Something to do with flowers and maybe not even a magic that was too different from what I've already seen... for example, an amplified and improved version of the charm Oliver had carved into the side of my house while he was still human. 

I don't know. I'll have to think more. Write down the possibilities and slowly work my way from there.

"Mari, how's your hunting?" Simon asked.

"Hunting? I don't practice much but I'm still a good shot. Why?"

"He told me to go, since you won't let me go alone, do you want to come with me?" He asked.

Oh, i guess now he's in a tight spot. Disobey Oliver or disobey me and either way he'll have to suffer some form of distress. 

"Okay," i said.

"Okay," Dorian huffed. "What are you guys talking about? Where are you going? And why? Chasing murderers? How the hell will you even know? Isn't this too far for a story?"

Simon rolled his eyes. Which was more emotion than he gave my other friends. Another thing that I don't know what it means. Probably taking his cues from me. Or maybe Dorian grew on him. The Hawke brothers are surprisingly tolerant people despite some of their voiced opinions and actions taken.

Simon gave me a pointed stare. It practically said 'we either tell him or you throw him out'.

"I'm going vampire hunting," i told Dorian with a shrug. Dorian rolled his eyes at me.

"If you're going to lie to my face at least make it a believable one," he grumbled. "Try again."

I sighed. What am I supposed to do when people don't want to accept the truth? The only option they give me is to lie. "Fine. First and foremost I want you to learn how to mind your fucking business. Love that you love me but I want some fucking time away from you, okay?"

He nodded accepting that much easier but his eyes flickered to Simon. "Okay."

"We're going on a fucking trip together so I can spend some personal time with my actual family—"

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