Chapter 121

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Simon left immediately after he finishing eating. I laid on that bed for a short while feeling absolutely numb and not minding it once Augie came. I would have laughed at the way his face twisted in absolute disgust as he looked at me.

"At least have the decency to cover yourself," he groaned taking off his jacket.

I would, i thought, but my arms felt heavy and my body might as well just be the equivalent of limp noodles. I told him to drink deep but I didn't think he'd drink until I felt like death was just a few kisses away.

Augustus removed his uniform jacket and the pin that held up his hair. His black locks flowed down like shadow searching for solid ground. It was past his buttock at this point. He didn't have a desire to cut it. I desired for him to wear little bands of silver here and there. So his hair could look like a starry night.

"Bella is pacing the halls," he told me. "Again."

Not the first time, i imagine.

"She seems concerned about something. Not about you, I hope."

He knew what transpired. He's being sarcastic.

"... I don't know what we should be doing?" He continued. "I can't keep working like this and you can't keep feeding Simon. He'll kill you himself eventually."

I know that too. His thirst is never ending. 

"Here you go," Augie smiled as he pulled out a sleeping gown from his pile of clothes. A soft blue.  He came to me and held my head up. He slowly slipped on the gown. "This one is a favorite of mine. It's so soft and it breathes. Simple but stylish. It goes with your aesthetics."

He means with Simon's eyes.

"Mari, care to hear my opinion," he asks but he wasn't really asking. He just wanted to say it. "No one really asks my opinions around here. I'm more or less just going along for the ride because I have to but I think... what if I go with you. To Forks I mean. We could have Simon stay here and focus all the magic to himself while you and I slip off under the guise of Oliver. Everyone heading off to different directions as you and I go back to Forks... then we can be human."

I search for a while in Augie's lovely green eyes for that emotion he normally keeps at bay. Augustus comes off as a vulgar and constant annoyed individual but Simon taught me to see past that. Augie is only like that because he has Simon's emotion and now mine as well swarming inside of him. He lets it out in small bursts but overall carries most of it with him. It isn't technically his fault if he happens to snap or say something snarky every now and then.

"I'd love to be human with you Augie," i managed to say with some effort. 

He smiled. "When its all over Simon could join us but until then, I don't mind a quiet life working in Mike's Newtons sporting goods. We can even buy a little house where we used to  live."

The burned down house.

"And we can buy another Mustang."

I'd love for the license plate to read Roy.

"Your thunder can come visit.

Dorian will insist on staying with us.

"... well," Augie frowned.




"Augie?" I asked.

He sighed. "What's it like?" He asked. "Being a mother?"

I frowned.

I haven't the slightest idea. I only know about my unreasonable demands of being a mother. Demands that I know not many can ever be.

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