Chapter 58

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Edward came to see me before his bachelor's party. By this time the wolves left and Charlie was already in bed. I was awake trying to remember the way Edward looked like when he took me to the field for the first time. I don't know why it took me so long to remember that I wanted to sketch it before.

"You should sleep," he said and sat next to me. I snapped the sketch book shut before he could see. "Alice would hate having to deal with the bags under your eyes... maybe I should stay. So i could give you a ride around town."

"No. Bachelor party. It's tradition."

He grinned, "Bachelor parties are designed for those who are sad to see the passing of their single days. I couldn't be more eager to have mine behind me. So there's really no point."

"I want you to have every human experience possible, sir. Bachelor party is a must. Go to a strip club. Get laid."

He frowned, "I suppose I'm glad you're not having a party yourself if that's your idea of what a bachelor party should be."

I licked my lips nervously and crawled closer to him. He sat up straighter not knowing what he should be doing and what I wanted to do. Physical touching wasn't something he and I did. I needed to practice, i told myself. To not be afraid.

I tossed my leg across his lap so I straddled him. His eyes tried not to trail down and instead stayed glued to my eyes. "Don't move," I demanded.

I'd have to get over the don't move stage of this, if i wanted to be able to kiss him properly during the wedding in front of all those people. 

I kissed his lips lightly. One, two, three pecks. I felt his hands on my waist. They were stiff. He was trying hard not to move. I kissed him again this time lingering. I held his head in my hands as I licked his bottom lip to give him the okay to move. And he did. He deepened the kiss faster than I could react to. I gasped and had to pull away.

He frowned, "Sorry."

"You're good," i breathed, "not a problem. Just surprised..."

I leaned back into him. This person that I had never envisioned for myself. I kissed him again. This time he let it be soft. Controlled. 

"Just as good as the first," he whispered. Im not sure if it was to himself or to me. 

Better than the first time, i thought. Easier, almost.

"Will you be okay?" He asked.

"Of course I will." I rested my head on his shoulder and he held me there. Just in case, he would say, in case I'm not as okay as I say I am.  "I dropped a bomb on Jake."

He hummed, "what was it?"

"That I was happy. With you," I moved his hands from where they were frozen on my waist so he could wrap them around me. He did and pulled me closer. "I don't think he ever considered that I would be."

"... neither did I," Edward murmured, "I'm relieved."

"Im going to drop a bomb on you too..."

He sighed, "fair's fair, I suppose. Does it have to be before the wedding though? I can't bare to worry about another traumatic experience you've had been subjected to."

I snorted, "no, i can tell you after. It's... not that important. It can even wait until the last day of the honeymoon."

His eyes gleamed, "that, I will gladly accept. No surprise bombings ton— oh, for the love of all that is holy."

I peeked up and stared through the window. Not that I saw anything. I got off Edward and opened the window.

Edward came to stand with me. He glared down at his two brothers. i clapped Edward on the back, "remember to check out strip clubs, if you're worried about cheating on me then there's also the option of a male strip club. I heard those are just as fun, you'll need single dollar bills though. They work hard so tip them well."

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